
Social Analytics

Many organizations do think about having better designing solutions for their firms. This is also often Now every organization has to be social active. It is said by a wise man that one needs to adapt to the surround. “Survival of the fittest”. In this era, to make your organization a big hit, one needs to be active on social media website. Social media is a big pool of wealth. All you need to do is dig it out the best possible way. But doing something blindly is always going to fetch minimum to low results. So, instead of taking random works, one needs to constantly keep a check on everything. Most of the marketers know the importance of analysis and tools to do so. Be it checking the tweets, traffic on Facebook, traffic on the website or any number of things that are tailing the list. Due to the abrupt growth in the social media market, the number of tools that are available in for analyzing the efforts of the marketing team on social media websites have increased a lot. There was a time when one could have easily counted the tools and sites on their fingers but that’s not the case at the moment. The scenario has changed drastically. If we are taking today’s world as an account then we can randomly say that there are new tools released each day. Most of these tools are available free of cost in the market and some charge a small amount of money. But then the biggest question remains that which one of those are the best. Which one of these will give us the benefits that we want? Listed below are a few tools that we at Decipher use to keep a track on our client’s social sites:

  • Buzzsumo
  • Tailwind
  • Sprout Social
  • Snaplytics
  • Google Analytics

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