
Software and IT Support

Software and IT support is a service provided to users of product and services. Support provides the solution to the specific problem related to product and services. Decipher having an expertise in providing support to their customers.

Application Management Services

Decipher Application Management Services (AMS) services provide the application management services outsourcing model having a target to business innovation rather than focusing on Service level Agreement and support. We also offer technology service by preparing certain strategies through develop, function and create with industry standard to manage and achieve industrial and business result.

We basically provide outsourcing of support for Clients applications, we are specialist in Application management outsourcing with responsibility of patches, bug fixing and small enhancements.

The benefits include:

Cost Controlling

Reduce labor

Efficient and Competitive

New technology friendly

Focused on main business

Reduce risk


Omni Channel Support

The multi-channel support approach to marketing, selling & serving customers which create cohesive customer experience is defined as Omni channel support. While working with Omni Channel Support team will need to work with many departments to develop strong strategy. The department as: Product, Marketing, Sales & Customer Support.

The Decipher Omni Channel Support will approach show the integration of promotion, distribution and communication.


  • Analytics and Communication integration
  • Retrieve data from transactions
  • Targeted Audience
  • Channel management

Software Testing Outsourcing

Software testing outsourcing is testing of software done by independent organization those are not directly involve in development of software directly.

Software testing is essential for software development and the organizations do not include testing as main phase will outsource software testing to other organization. The outsourcing will deduct time consumed, lower investment of infrastructure with software quality and concentrate in development.

There are several software testing outsourcing companies are there that provides software testing but the quality of work with skilled team under same roof of Decipher.

Decipher provide the Software testing outsourcing to our clients. Our aim is to work with our client and as a result we give them testing of their software with quality. Keys that we work to deliver quality Software testing:

Gather and clarify client requirement.

Overseas project as advantage of time zone.

hassle-free and clear communication between team and client

Good writing and communication skill

Work Flexibility

Cost structure understanding


Technical Service Desk

The Technical Service Desk is an initial point between users and an organization. Service desk is the online technical support single point of contact between the service provider and users for everyday activities. A service desk manages service requests and handle user communications for things like planned changes to services. A service desk typically has a wide scope and is designed to provide the user with a single place to go for all their technical needs. This results in the service desk playing important role in facilitating the integration of business processes with the technology.

Decipher offers a best service model based on client’s needs. In today’s multi-service provider environment, Decipher serves as the integrated, central point of contact to manage incidents from start to finish. We committed to providing clients with the highest level of proactive, quality service tailored to their unique needs and we back this up with service level agreements aligned to specific business strategies and requirements.

Decipher provides a complete Technical Service Desk service with multiple options. Clients can decide the level of delivery according to their company’s needs. All issues are recorded in an issue management system, which guarantees traceability of the records at a later stage. It is natural that anybody that turns to our Service Desk should feel secure in their technical environment and look upon it as an aid supporting everyday operations. Service Desk means that clients never have to even attempt to find solutions to problems on their own.


Improve the quality of a company's products or services

Process Efficiencies

Customer Satisfaction

Off-Hours Support

Proactive Interventions

Fast Problem Resolution

Systematic Fixes

Industry Expertise
