
Mobile Analytics and BI

Mobile Analytics and BI are the strategies and technologies that enable Business Intelligent data on smartphone or tablets. It provide instant access to existing Analytic content on the devices. The popularity of mobile and handheld devices means that you can take your work anywhere. These devices have enhanced mobility and are the sophisticated computers that stay with you wherever you go, which literally means that any place can serve as your temporary office. And with business becoming ever more portable and flexible, the logical next step is mobile business intelligence.

Why mobile app security is necessary?
  • Aids to build acapable mobile marketing strategy
  • Realize which parts of your app people are using
  • Learn about the parts of your app that drive most valuable conversions
  • See the actual usage of the app
  • Detect the mobile device
  • EasyMobile App Analytics
  • Mobile and CloudAugmented Collaboration
  • Access data and analytics to expandcompetence
  • Up-to-date information even when they’re not in the office
  • Increased productivity of the workforce

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