Why are Cloud Services Definitive and Appropriate for Business?

Cloud computing services are real-time on-demand computing power, database, application storage, and other IT resources across various platforms online. Cloud services are powering the latest technologies in areas of mobility, big data, and social media.

img August 04, 2022 | img 10 Min | img Cloud Computing, Technology Consulting

Essentially, three main types of cloud computing services are mainstream. These cloud computing services are used and adapted to accomplish a variety of tasks yet importantly these cloud services have similar core principles which constitute that all the computing resources are shared and delivered on-demand.

What are the Main Types of Cloud Computing Platforms?

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS):-

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is software hosted centrally and delivered online by way of a web browser on a subscription basis. All SaaS applications are hosted online on a cloud platform where clients need no dedicated servers to run or access them. Therefore, clients and licensees get benefits from constant and regular software updates, low upfront development costs, and the convenience of not having to maintain your servers. Salesforce.com CRM, Zendesk Customer Support, Freshbooks Accounting, Slack Team Communication, and are examples of classic SaaS software on the cloud.

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) is a platform for application developers with tools through which software is much easier and faster build. The platform has an operating system, programming execution environment, server software, etc.  PaaS primarily looks at workflow management and collaboration of the software development processes like application deployment, testing, hosting, and maintenance.

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS):-

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) is a cloud computing service that avails necessary computing resources like servers, storage, networks, load balancing, etc. delivering the services virtually online on a pay-as-you-go basis. IaaS lets software developers focus on making applications rather than waste time and money on buying, deploying, and maintaining new servers or other necessary infrastructure to power their apps. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Consulting Partner, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform are great examples of Iaas platforms. These platforms enable the sharing of single-point computing resources with other hosted clients which translates into lower costs and economies of scale etc.

What Makes Cloud Computing Services Indispensable for Businesses Today?

Cloud computing services and platforms are the in-thing across industry and niches for a variety of reasons. These include among others:

1. Adaptive Cost System:-

Cloud services ensure exact usage and utility, pricing models. Hosted clients can choose to scale their server capacity and only pay for what they use. Hosted clients can set up cloud infrastructure capacity to rise in peak demand and drop at times of low traffic so as to avoid paying for idle server time. Cloud computing services have an adaptive cost system that lets clients decide how to their finances efficiently with minimal expenditure on idle servers.

2. Lower Server Maintenance Costs:-

At all times IT infrastructure management costs will come into play for businesses and organizations. Cloud computing is the ultimate financial savior to any server capacity as it lets clients save on server and data center management costs. Inhouse server farms mean extra hiring of engineers to monitor and maintain as well as buy server management software. Besides, hidden costs like physical security, power, and HVAC. On the other hand, outsourced cloud services save businesses both money and stress.

3. Reliability and Uptime:-

There is something extra important with the cloud services model and that is reliability and uptime. We know server reliability and uptime is indispensable with regard to service access, security, and enhanced service speed. Cloud server services strive to ensure availability over and above 99.9% with service level agreements to provide clients with credits of monthly uptime percentages. Server interchangeability retains the same level of agile availability. Even with multiple server deployments across several cloud regions client apps and websites retain commendable presence and uptime.

4. Competitive Launch and Start Costs:-

Starting or launching business apps is always a moment that inspires goosebumps as there is no evidence or proof of how it will be received by users or customers or the pace at which they will embrace it. Cloud services save clients upfront money wastage on servers and data centers, computer hardware, etc. Besides, payment is only up to the level of computing resources used which further lessens client launch and starts costs and reduces risks of making software.

5. Expanded Economies of Scale Operation:-

Cloud computing is a grand application sharing platform where the resources are available to several other businesses. When cloud computing services and resources are available to other businesses eventual management costs are balanced. That implies progressive lower server management costs and lower computing costs overall.

Moreover, cloud computing services help clients save money initially and gradually save more in the long term perspective.

6. Enhanced Mobility:-

Mobility is a big plus cloud computing confers on all clients which means enhanced productivity of business and employees. Previously, app developers had to log into specific local servers to access data and other resources. Cloud computing gives app developers easy access to all software development tools online. This translates into higher collaboration and makes the software development process much easier and faster.

7. Premium Security Protocols:-

Cloud application security and as well as accessibility security (login and access credentials) require high-end monitoring to secure the cloud servers 24/7/365.  However, cloud computing plays by another rule to ensure maximum real-time enhanced clients' IT security. Over the years, cloud computing security has gone higher solving several doubts and fears IT, professionals. Today, however, cloud computing IT security is always a partnership between the hosted business and cloud services partner.

8. Environmental Friendly and Sustainable:-

There are a lot of discussions and presentations on building sustainable and environment-friendly businesses that are key for future innovation. Environment-friendly business and innovations are the need of the moment and it is possible to say that cloud computing helps various businesses be more sustainable and conscious of the environment. More so, cloud computing offers and possesses the inherent flexible capacity to either scale up or down according to business needs. This goes a long way in bolstering customer service and spending as well as lower carbon footprint which betters the environment especially protection to the ozone layer.

9. Flexible Adaptation and Usage:-

Adaptability for a business is key in almost all areas. Cloud computing avails several unique IT resources adaptable to most technology situations required of it. From developing Ruby on Rails or JavaScript, making websites or mobile apps, or working with finance or media industries, cloud services avail appropriate tools required to build that technology. Impressively though most of these tools accessible at notice which saves time, money, and other challenges, etc.

10. Agile and Competitive:-

The cloud presents an agile and competitive stance or posture to it by way of its speed, interactivity and reliability. Making basic apps was once a time-consuming endeavor with a long time to market as precious time was lost just try to acquire the IT resources critical for the app running. Cloud computing makes app developers buy IT resources at a low cost and within a short time. This has impacted and shortened the time to market. This means more business focus, critical app deployment, higher customer satisfaction, as well as a competitive business edge.


It�s very obvious today that Cloud Services deliver a mixed packed for success across the industry. The cloud computing platform provides the new normal arena for modern businesses to flex their virtual entrepreneurship skills and excel at very competitive levels.

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