What are the Key Concepts of Visual Analytics in 2022?

In this article, we�ll take a look at the main concepts of visual analytics in 2022 and Tools & Processes for Visualization.

img July 20, 2022 | img 15 min read | img Visual Analytics

Data visualization has been gaining popularity as one of the ways to explore and make sense of big data. As technology advances, visual analytics tools and solutions will be widely available in 2022 to analyze large amounts of data, helping companies make better-informed decisions that affect customer interactions, business trends, manufacturing processes, and more. In this article, we�ll take a look at the main concepts of visual analytics in 2022 and how they can help you glean insights from the mountains of data your company collects.

What is Visual Analytics?

When you look at a table or chart, what you are seeing is most likely not a visual analytics solution. But your data is still visual, even if it�s not rendered graphically. As technology improves, scientists and researchers will have an easier time creating tools that can translate unstructured text into visualization tools for end users. That could mean analyzing spreadsheets or documents to pull out key points and then using those points to create graphs and charts with easy-to-interpret graphics. This will help people see trends within their data�trends they may have otherwise missed because their eyes glazed over from reading too much detail.


What are the Key Concepts of Visual Analytics in 2022

What is the Importance of  Visual Analytics?

The growing importance of visual analytics should be self-evident by now. Consider that data, information, and knowledge�the three primary outputs of a BI platform�are really just different forms of information that require different ways to be processed by our brains. Our eyesight can register visual information quickly and efficiently, which is why diagrams have been used throughout history as a way to illustrate abstract concepts or complicated processes. So much so that even during historical periods when literacy was relatively rare, drawings and images were still used regularly to pass along knowledge.

5 Predictions for Visual Analytics in 2022

Visual analytics is key to bringing a data-driven approach to business. With it, you can identify patterns and trends that would be otherwise unnoticeable�and those patterns and trends might well make or break your business success. In order to fully harness visual analytics in 2022, you need to know what�s on its horizon: 5 Predictions for Visual Analytics in 2022.

1. Major Trends Driving Visual Analytics in 2022

When looking at visual analytics solutions in 2022, there are three major trends driving change: mobile devices; artificial intelligence (AI); and cloud services. These technologies will influence how visual analytics solutions work as well as how they're used. Here's an overview of each trend.

2. Mobile Devices Are More Powerful Than Ever Before

Over time, mobile devices have gotten more powerful�and that makes them more useful for visual analytics solutions than ever before. As a result, they�re playing an increasingly important role in how people interact with data. In 2022, you can expect to see even more growth in their use as a tool for visual analytics.

3. Artificial Intelligence Is Changing How We Use Data

Artificial intelligence is changing how we use data�and it�s having a big impact on what visual analytics looks like moving forward. AI has given us new ways to analyze and understand our data, which means that even more people will be able to leverage visual analytics solutions for their business needs.

4. Cloud Services Are Making Visual Analytics More Accessible

 Cloud services have made visual analytics more accessible than ever before. As businesses increasingly rely on cloud services for their IT needs, they�re also using them for their visualization needs as well. This trend will continue into 2022, making cloud-based solutions even more commonplace than they already are today.

5. Visual Analytics Is All About Data

The term visual analytics refers to technology that enables people to analyze data visually. With visual analytics, you can quickly see patterns and trends in your data that would otherwise be hard or impossible to spot�and those insights could have a major impact on your business success.

Tools and Processes for Visualization

The tools and processes we use for visualization design will be fluid and constantly evolving. Tools are often used to create concept sketches and convert them into interactive prototypes. Prototypes can then be used to generate user feedback, which designers can use to improve their work before presenting it to clients or users for final review.

Designers who want their concepts to be presented on mobile devices may also want to start incorporating responsive design principles at an early stage. That way, they can show how different views might display on different screen sizes and make sure everything fits properly on all available devices. 

Visual Analytics Benefits:

Visual analytics will enable companies to find answers, make decisions and improve their processes. In doing so, companies gain more time to focus on what matters most: Results. Visual analytics has many benefits for your business:

Improve Business Processes - Understand and identify ways you can improve business processes through an integrated visual analytics solution that will analyze complex data sets and provide recommendations on how to fix them.

Monitor Production - Ensure products or services run smoothly with real-time visualizations that provide information on quality control and performance monitoring.

Enable Continuous Improvement - Realize continuous improvement through targeted, easy-to-view dashboards for analysis across multiple departments and teams within a company.

Share Knowledge - Maximize knowledge sharing with tools that allow users to easily design interactive reports and presentations, thus encouraging understanding across teams.

Visual Analytics Tools & Methods

Now, you've heard enough about what visual analytics tools are. It will be based on rethinking and simplifying a user's interaction with data, from capture to presentation. The challenge is finding a way to provide users with self-service access without making them more vulnerable to getting lost in complexity. The goal is for users to have a single interface that has all tools�from reporting and dashboard building, machine learning, etc.

They should also be able to share their analytics via a public cloud or private cloud. This means that users can use their own data, as well as public data sets, and build visualizations using any device they choose: desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. To make things even easier for our customers, we'll integrate APIs into our products so they can pull information directly into their applications rather than having to go through an intermediary tool like Excel or Tableau. In addition to these changes we're working on enhancing security by eliminating passwords from our software altogether; instead we'll use biometrics like fingerprint scanning and facial recognition software to authenticate users when they log in.

Analytics Desktop

We may be a while away from ubiquitous wearable devices, but visual analytics applications could become a core part of our everyday lives as users. In fact, they�re likely to play an important role in how we interact with data and technology across all industries � think autonomous vehicles, manufacturing and healthcare. Many industries are on a mission to reduce �invisible work� � work that is completed by people because machines can�t do it effectively, (Data Science and Technology). But invisible work is often filled with tasks that don�t use our brains to their full potential � like cleaning up dirty data or interpreting complex business intelligence reports.


Analytical software used for creating visual analytics or interactive dashboards that allow users to gather, analyze and present data quickly. The company�s platform allows users to interact with their data by selecting and modifying visualizations, exploring associations between variables and building interactive queries. Tableau is based on a relational database model, so it can accommodate large amounts of data.

Users can add some structured data from sources such as CSV files, but more advanced analytical techniques typically require custom programming using R or Python scripts to plug into an API. The company has over 5,000 enterprise customers and deals with companies including Amazon and Sprint. In 2017, Tableau released a new version of its desktop product that is based on a serverless architecture with features like built-in security controls for protecting sensitive information.


Domo offers a web-based business intelligence instrument with a smooth UI specifically intended to permit clients to assemble sophisticated dashboards with no IT contribution. The Domo stage turns out best for clients hoping to envision information in existing cloud-based applications like Salesforce.

Notwithstanding cloud-based applications, Domo can take input from data sets, spreadsheets, and, surprisingly, social media platforms. The result is comparably adaptable - Domo made dashboards are intended to be distinguishable on tablets and cell phones notwithstanding a traditional PC interface.


Technology industry research firm Gartner is predicting that by 2018, 85% of users will be engaging with data visualizations built on non-relational databases. For example, QlikView is a fast and intuitive business intelligence tool that enables companies to immediately gain insight from large volumes of data.

It presents business analytics as interactive dashboards, which users can manipulate to explore data relationships and draw insights. With over 10 million end users, QlikView has been helping organizations quickly discover patterns and trends in their data for years. In fact, one survey found that 80% of QlikView customers plan to use the software for at least five years or more.

Visual Analytics Applications

You're not a data scientist but you want to use data to inform business decisions. You can easily add data analysis, forecasting and pattern-recognition capabilities by accessing a visual analytics application. Vendors already have applications that help you compare performance across different time periods, dig deep into geographic trends and drill down on details about your customers and products. Some apps integrate with existing business intelligence tools, so if you do have some programming skills, visual analytics apps will let you plug data into your own reports using prebuilt templates that incorporate charts and graphs from the latest industry research.

Career in Visual Analytics Research

Despite all its benefits, visual analytics faces challenges with adoption and perception. It is seen as something difficult to learn and time-consuming. To help solve some of these issues, major research organizations have been putting a considerable amount of resources into producing high-quality courses that prepare their staff for visual analytics research projects.


Visual analytics solutions will evolve to become even more powerful and important. You should plan on including visual analytics solutions in your software architecture. The technology is here now, and it�s only going to get better over time. Visual analysis will let you make better-informed decisions when there�s a lot at stake, but that also means having access to data becomes more important than ever. Think about what you�re doing now to ensure your company has access to data, and look into visualization tools that can help users� spot patterns or find outliers. Be prepared for changes as visual analytics continues to grow as an industry, but don�t worry we�ll be here writing articles about it as well!

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