Top 9 Easy Wins for Salesforce Adoption in 2022, You Should Know

Salesforce is among the disruptive technologies that people do not fail to adopt. But integrating new software to the business processes can be challenging.�

img August 05, 2022 | img 10 Min | img Salesforce, Technology Consulting

The struggle to adapt software, like Salesforce, is painful for many customers. But, what's more, painful is the success after adopting the technology. With time the Salesforce team has worked hard for the people to have easy and convenient adoption of Salesforce. Salesforce team assures the adoption will not require long-term & scary strategies.

52% of high-performing salespeople are power users why take full advantage of their company's CRM technology compared to only 31% of under-performing sales people.

The ability to take full advantage of the company's CRM system lies for several reasons. Thus they can -

  • Understand whether the sales people have sufficient pipeline to meet their sales targets.
  • Quickly identify the critical deals that contribute most to attain the target.
  • Track actions related to opportunity closure.
  • Collaborate more efficiently with peers and colleagues on deals.

So, to become a power user, here are the best strategies to implement to increase CRM adoption.

10 Easy Strategies For Effective Salesforce Adoption

1.   Comprehending End-User

The first step is always learning before adopting any software. In order to empower and get the job done in a better way, learn the needs of the Salesforce CRM.

It is your duty as a leader to show the effective results of Salesforce solution to the common problems. So, instigate by addressing & communicating about the challenges that will be addressed by Salesforce.

You can ask your employees to address the mundane tasks as well as those tasks that they get bogged down. This helps in personalizing the Salesforce adoption as well as automate the tasks to eliminate a variety of data entry tasks.

Above all, the knowledge gathered will help highlight Salesforce features that appeal to a specific department or individuals. 

2.   Create a Long Term Salesforce Strategy

Acknowledging and addressing the tasks to automate through Salesforce, a long-term strategy is needed for continuous success. Because implementation of this software is a long process thus requiring Salesforce consulting regularly. So, you would need the end-user for a long time to assist you.

Apart from implementation and migration, the service provides also aim to -

  • Map out training methods and educate the sales team with the requisite learning.
  • Assist in pre-planning the salesforce adoption training, such as the tools required for training, the duration of the training, modules to cover, and maximum retention from the training.
  • Providing an understanding of the role of each employee in the Salesforce adoption process.

Your sales team will be excited to make the switch along with the customer service team when they learn that Salesforce leads to an average 26% increase in sales win rates.

3.   Make Onboarding an Ongoing Process

Right onboarding leads to organizational commitment, decreased turnover, better performance levels, career complementing, and lowered stress. Similarly goes with introducing new software.

Employees must feel confident using new tools & technology to perform their job duties effectively.

Since Salesforce updates and releases new features on a regular basis, you must make your Salesforce onboarding an ongoing process in order to avoid implementation dips. For proper Salesforce onboarding, you can look into Salesforce Onboarding Best Practices.

4.   Creating Disadvantages to Not Using Salesforce

Along with the advantages, you must also mention the disadvantages of not using an incredibly effective motivation technique. These few ways must be strongly encouraged to use the Salesforce -

  • Managing performance reviews from the Salesforce dashboard.
  • Direct communication with the team through Salesforce Chatter.
  • Salesforce Calendar allows you to schedule meetings.
  • Integrating third-party apps that tie users back to Salesforce.

5.   Identifying Automation Capabilities

There are so many reasons to adopt Salesforce, and among them, the most encouraging reason is Salesforce taking care of the repetitive, low-value tasks allowing the employees to focus on connecting with prospects.

The effective automation that Salesforce can offer and which you can include -

  • AI-based Chatbots to automatically qualify leads(high-quality).
  • Syncing Salesforce and Jira cases to make it easier for the sales and support teams to communicate bugs, avoid duplicate data entry, and track any other issue.
  • Eradicate the use of third party file storage Salesforce gives you an automated file storage capacity or external storage sits documents as well.

6.   Monitoring the Key Metrics

To evaluate how well your users have adopted Salesforce is through monitoring. Through customized dashboard you can monitor the metrics, such as -

  • User login rates.
  • Record creation/updation rates.
  • Contact creation/updation.
  • Opportunity creation/updation.
  • Activity completion.
  • Open/closed tasks.
  • Chatter usage.

These metrics can be weekly or monthly measured, which clarifies where your user needs assistance. Also, will help you identify the kind of training given to the user to resolve the common issues.

7.   Analyzing Data Quality and Accuracy

Consistently accurate and complete data is what Salesforce gives power to any organization. Whether accurate or inaccurate data gives you a clear picture of how well your users understand the capabilities of Salesforce.

The inconsistencies depict the users either do not understand the functionality or are not convinced with the usefulness of the Salesforce. You can take follow-ups with your teams after analyzing these metrics and add training or support where needed.

8.   Tracking Business Performance

Just because tasks have been automated doesn't mean Salesforce is working effectively. In order to achieve maximum profit from your business, you must go beyond counting actions and track the results of those in action.

Just counting on the number of interactions with customers won't do. You must track the time spent on each call, which calls were able to provide leads. Drilling down details of every user & actions, you can identify patterns and determine behaviors that lead to success.

9.   Identifying End User Feedback

The most common yet most effective way to know about user satisfaction of salesforce implementation is through feedback. Since the process of adoption is quite long, it is essential to check on employees at regular intervals. Collect user-feedback and engage in discussions with the team to figure out the problem's solution. The involvement of the Salesforce consultancy will give them the opportunity to prove that you have their best interest at heart.

Conclusion -

Without the assistance of Salesforce Consulting Services, effective implementation is tough. What's more challenging is the full adoption of the user and gaining the maximum benefits from the software. Applying the best user adoption practices tips will help boost benefits and ensure greater ROI.


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