Top 11 Benefits of Outsourcing Application Maintenance and Support

In this article, We have discussed about Immediate benefits of outsourcing application maintenance and support. Risk mitigation all improve by Managed Services.

img July 20, 2022 | img 12 min read | img Application Support and Maintenance

Business application maintenance and support can be time-consuming, expensive, and stressful. So why not outsource it? Whether you�re looking to save money or expand your company�s capabilities, outsourcing application maintenance and support will do all that while still providing you with the same level of service you expect from in-house IT departments.

Top 11 benefits of outsourcing application maintenance and support services:

1. Reduce Costs

When you�re outsourcing application support & maintenance, one of your primary concerns is reducing costs. The reason for this is because IT outsourcing providers are able to reduce costs for several reasons. Firstly, there�s a reduction in office space as these functions can be performed from any location with internet access. Moreover, some outsourced application support services may not even require on-site visits. Another key advantage is that it frees up internal IT resources for higher value-added work such as development, thus increasing overall productivity and improving quality throughout all aspects of service delivery. Meanwhile, over half of respondents surveyed by Gartner believe they will still have an onshore component after they completely outsource their application maintenance needs.

2. Save Time

Most business owners don�t have time to worry about their websites, applications, and networks 24/7. Hiring a dedicated support team can help alleviate that concern. By focusing on Application Support & Maintenance (ASM), you�ll be freed up to focus on growing your business. ASM can also help increase efficiency by identifying improvements to your business processes; our top vendors even work with you to create or improve application architecture or frameworks that allow for quicker deployments in future updates. Not sure if it�s right for you? Take our short survey on Application Support Services below! We�ll provide more information regarding how outsourcing maintenance will benefit your company and answer any questions you may have about finding an outsourced solution.

3. Lower Risks

No one can guarantee a website will have no problems, but when you outsource application support and maintenance services to a dedicated team, you�re able to reduce risk by handing over primary responsibility for your site. In-house web development teams often focus primarily on developing new functionality, which means keeping sites up-to-date with security patches may fall between cracks. Over time, it�s common for sites to accumulate security vulnerabilities, even if they aren�t actually exploited. By outsourcing application support services to a specialized company, you can ensure that your site is properly secured�every time an update becomes available�and vulnerabilities are discovered (and fixed) immediately. And if a problem does occur, having access to experts who specialize in fixing these issues can save you hours or days of troubleshooting.

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4. Future Proof Your IT Strategy

If you�re a business owner, it might be time to rethink your IT strategy. Today�s organizations are increasingly finding that their current IT solutions aren�t working for them � and outsourcing application support services might be a good way to move forward. Here are some reasons why 1) You don�t have to buy new software: Software updates and upgrades can cost thousands, but if you outsource application maintenance and support, companies will handle those updates on your behalf. 2) You don�t have to hire more employees: The application maintenance industry is growing rapidly � as more businesses realize they need outsourced help with software management, there will be an increased demand for workers in these roles. 3) You can focus on what matters most: When you outsource application maintenance and support, you can shift resources from mundane tasks like software upgrades to core competencies like marketing or product development.

Top 11 Benefits of Outsourcing Application Maintenance and Support

5. Improve Productivity

As you�re building an application, you�ll want to outsource application support & maintenance to ensure it has a high level of security and is always functioning at peak performance. There are times when it may be a better idea to hire a third-party firm rather than relying on internal technical staff members. For example, if your app requires lots of complicated coding that requires constant revision, you should consider hiring experts who are skilled in creating top-tier applications. Alternatively, if your company isn�t sure how long it will take to develop an app but wants to avoid hiring on a full-time employee, outsourcing may be a good option. This way, you can also save money by only paying for services as they�re needed.

6. Enhance Efficiency & Scalability

Oftentimes, application maintenance is something that can be handled more efficiently by a third party vendor. This way, your main focus can be on building new features to better engage with your customers and grow your business. With a third-party partner handling support and maintenance, you can ensure that any issues get addressed in a timely manner without worrying about putting resources into areas where they aren�t needed. In addition to freeing up internal resources, outsourcing application support and maintenance also helps provide scale for companies dealing with ever-increasing data and use cases. For example, if you have an API service that thousands of developers are using, it makes sense to outsource API management so your team can concentrate on other areas. If there�s an issue with one API service provider, it won�t affect all of them�and if there is an issue affecting multiple providers at once (like Amazon Web Services going down), then only a small percentage of users will be affected instead of every single one.

7. Focus on Core Business Activities

Application support is essential for any company that builds, maintains or sells software. However, if you build, maintain or sell applications in-house, then application support can easily become a huge distraction to your core business activities. By outsourcing application maintenance and support to an experienced third party company like Agiliance, you can save time on fixing bugs and manageability issues, plus ensure your brand image stays consistent with your customers through better response times. Agiliance specializes in application support for enterprise applications such as SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Oracle E-Business Suite, Workday Human Capital Management (HCM), Microsoft Dynamics CRM/Navision Online or Salesforce CRM. We also provide help desk services for other commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products including Symantec Backup Exec, CA Unicenter, IBM Tivoli Storage Manager and many more. Our experts are ready to take over application maintenance from you�and they�ll be happy to do it!

8. Keep Up with Changing Technology

IT is always changing, evolving and growing. The trick is to keep up with it, which can prove difficult for many organizations. When you�re committed to maintaining internal application support, you have to deal with training resources, budgeting for education and recruitment�all in an environment that�s constantly shifting. If you feel like your organization isn�t up-to-date with IT technology or spending too much time training internal staff on applications they may not be working on much longer, consider outsourcing your application maintenance services. Application maintenance includes everything from upgrading existing applications to supporting offshoring initiatives by providing onsite technical resources who will work with employees to adopt new tools quickly. By outsourcing these tasks, you�ll free up internal resources to focus on other areas of IT while ensuring that your organization has access to cutting-edge solutions.

9. Qualified doesn�t Equal Experienced

Many companies assume that because they�re outsourcing, they need to hand off their application to someone who has in-depth knowledge of its inner workings. This is incorrect: While it is important for your developer to understand basic application support & maintenance in order to communicate effectively with internal stakeholders, they don�t necessarily need to have all hands on deck when it comes to database architecture or back-end integration. The best candidates will be able to quickly assess your application so that they can formulate a plan for moving forward in a methodical way. They should also be up-to-date on software development trends and practices. These are valuable traits for any developer but especially those working remotely, as they won�t always have access to internal experts.

10. Quickly Implement New Technology

This makes sense if you�re building an application from scratch, but what about when you want to add new functionality? If that�s your goal, then it doesn�t make much sense to hire a full-time employee to do it. As a startup, you probably don�t have room in your budget for any kind of long-term hiring, so why not outsource it instead? You can contract with a developer who will help you bring on new features without having to go through all of those steps outlined above. Plus, if they already have years of experience with your platform and know how to use its technology effectively, then chances are good that they can get things done more quickly than an inexperienced employee. And even if they aren�t as quick as someone on staff, time is money�and outsourcing means that you won�t be paying them full-time salaries or benefits while they ramp up. That gives you more resources to spend elsewhere while your app is growing and allows you to experiment with new technologies at a faster pace. It also frees up internal resources so that your team can focus on other tasks�or take some time off, if needed.

11. Level the Playing Field

It's not uncommon for some businesses to have a team of developers at their disposal, while others don't even have one developer on staff. If you're lacking development talent in-house, outsourcing can help level that playing field by giving you an outside resource for your software maintenance needs. Larger companies often hire consultants or temporary workers�and there are quite a few staffing agencies focused on hiring skilled software engineers. The truth is there�s no need to be caught without a back-up plan when it comes to maintaining your application. When you�re ready to expand, it�s easy to take advantage of experts who specialize in maintaining applications just like yours. No matter what stage your business is in, it pays to outsource.


The benefits in outsourcing your application maintenance are numerous. You get better services at a much lower cost, freeing up your budget for other areas where you can do more good. Your customers and end users are happier because you get better application support for them with less effort on your part.

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