Significance of Robotic Process Automation in Banking Industry

RPA is growing exponentially. Recent RPA trends and forecasts report shows that by 2022, RPA will be $2.9 billion industry. That�s a huge increase from $250 million in 2016.

img August 04, 2022 | img 15 Min | img Robotic Process Automation

To remain competitive in an increasingly saturated market, especially with the more extensive adoption of virtual banking, it is must for banking firms to find a better way to deliver a satisfactory user experience to their customers. Apart from this, the most common challenge that banking industry face is to maximize efficiency and that too by keeping costs as low as possible while also maintaining security levels. The one-stop solution for all these requirements is Robotic Process Automation  Company (RPA).

How RPA has transformed Banking Functionalities?

RPA has dramatically streamlined a wide variety of back-office operations that once bogged down bank workers. By shifting tedious and manual tasks from human to machine, banks have been able to reduce the need for human involvement and that has had the direct and adverse impact on everything from efficiency and performance levels to staffing expenses and issues.

Many big, as well as small banks, are actively adopting this technology to save labour costs and gain operational efficiency. Along with these benefits, implementation of RPA minimizes the manual processing of huge volumes of data to avoid errors, reduce processing cost by 30% to 70% and free up manpower to focus on more cognitive tasks.

Some of the bank�s operations can be automated are as follows:

Let�s looks at some of the many benefits of RPA in banking

Cost Savings

According to various business experts, RPA is helpful in providing value to the overall organizational benefits and efficiency. But, the actual state is a bit different from what the experts say. RPA is also helpful in reducing costs. Banks are always looking to cut costs to stay competitive and up to the expectations of consumers. Thanks to Robotic Process Automation. Research shows that RPA not only drives 25% to 50% cost savings but also improves the output of applied functions.

 Advances the Operational Efficiency

Banks are a crucial part of the economy and they also play an imperative role in influencing the economy, therefore, it is necessary for all the banks to become more efficient with each passing day. RPA is an extensive solution and requires training, governance, and comprehensive setup. But, once it is done, research shows that banks can save 40-60% in the first year of its implementation along with making the processes faster and much more efficient.

Agile Businesses

With the rapid technological development and globalization, banks are required to be more flexible as well as agile than ever. The things are happening so fast that the world can see its effect within hours instead of days and their banks have the opportunity to use RPA to stay active and responsive for such situations. Also, by freeing up the human resources from paper-intensive jobs, more focus can be given to more cognitive tasks to grow the business. 

Reduced Business Response Time

For process execution and operational efficiency, banks are actively incorporating RPA and according to a research, banks will be able to save 75% of the cost while retaining the quality output. With the help of RPA, banks can bring down process execution time by around 60% and is disrupting the way banks are operating along with an increasing CAGR of 65%.

With so many advantages, banks must consider RPA as the crucial way to change. RPA can help banks to stay competitive as well as gain competitive edge over others with reduced costs and improved efficiency. This ultimately results in the overall development and sustainable growth for the businesses.

To incorporate automation in banking today, contact us!


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