How Does Artificial Intelligence Bolster Robotic Process Automation?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around and in use for many years as it first got mentioned and used back in 1956. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) are two sides of the same digital coin of technology automation that simplify, enhance, advance, and multiply human efficiency and productivity while conducting business tasks and processes across several industrial domains and niches.

img August 05, 2022 | img 10 Min | img Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Process Automation

Global investment indexes as of today indicate growth in the adoption of smarter automation AI technology due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. With most businesses and institutions partially open and several tasks assigned to robotic processes to avoid human contact, computers, machines, software, are the new virtual favorites that facilitate business processes while limiting contact in the office. It's believed over the next decade and foreseeable long term future more implementation of smart AI-enabled RPA technologies will unlock greater and higher value ROI. But let us first know what AI and RPA are? And how AI bolsters RPA.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence Services  is a broad subject implying business machines and systems possessing the ability to execute routines and tasks with minimal to no human interference or supervision. These machines and systems have the critical ability humans make decisions based on input data. Artificial Intelligence is also indicative of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and other smart technologies adopted to solve critical and challenging actual problems.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an emerging and established cognitive technology adapted for a couple of years now across industry domains and niches help to advance the smart use of machines and applications that simplify work, processes, and tasks.

What is Robotic Process Automation?

Robotic Process Automation (abbreviated as RPA) is the adaptation of robotic technology in configured computer software or a �robot� that read and apply human actions while working in digital system setups and help execute specific business processes and tasks. RPA robots adapt user interfaces to store data and apply applications as humans. RPA bots interpret and trigger responses as well as communicate with other systems to carry out many repetitive tasks. Advantageously RPA software robots never sleep and make zero mistakes which leads to increased productivity and efficiency.

RPA enhances productivity and efficiency spread across business tasks like data management, logistics and transportation, supply chain and inventory management while bolstering service efficiency in industries like healthcare, banking, insurance, accounting and financial management.

Ways Artificial Intelligence Bolsters Robotic Process Automation

�When two giants roll out in the grass, the grass suffers� that is a popular saying that goes to capture the dilemma some technologists confront. However, when it comes to combining two beneficial technologies that complement each other well one gets emboldened and empowered or bolstered. AI and RPA have mutually beneficial ways to make the other look interesting. So, how does AI bolster RPA? Let us discover below

1. AI Adapts Intelligent and Smart Machines to RPA

Whereas RPA will focus on the best automation outcomes that are equally efficient and productive, AI strives for less humanly monitored machines with cognitive intelligent machine processes and systems redefining business across niche and industry.

RPA initially used bots to automate rules-based business processes that freed human labor to serve customers and perform high-touch tasks. Today, RPA has adapted mainstream intelligent automation leveraging Machine Learning (ML) and AI to predict and assess future outputs. ML adds to automation technology like RPA's ability to make decisions and judgments like financial institutions develop ML algorithms for automated credit review and approval. That means intelligent business processes like RPA now have a higher smart and intelligent application dimension.

2. AI Helps Process and Interpret Huge Unstructured Data

Data for many businesses and institutions is a resource for generating proper and meaningful research-based tactical decisions. However, data generated across channels and streams come in various formats and styles that require faster and correct processing to have any meaning and value.

Unstructured data does not conform or follow a specific data model and cannot be easily read or interpreted, has no precise identifiable structure which can be easily used by a computer program. Its neither organized nor set in a pre-defined manner and doesn't possess a pre-defined data model making it of little use for the mainstream relational database.

This data may come from image files, video files, web pages, emails, memos, PowerPoint presentations, reports and surveys among others. By combining Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) all artificial intelligence tools the ability to process huge unstructured data amounts is simplified.

3. Empower RPA Machines to Cognitive Status

While AI enables machines to simulate human behavior ML as a subset of AI lets the smart machines to automatically learn from past data patterns and inputs and apply them without explicit programming and reprogramming.  AI strives to make computer systems smarter like humans and provide solutions to the most complex challenges.

RPA has changed automation to faster, better and efficient whereas AI revisits this linkage with smarter and better applied technical resources.

4. Expanded Creativity and Scalability in RPA Routines

Interestingly as much there is increased efficiency and productivity with RPA, AI adapts and adds dynamism with creative use of production resources which means more scalability options and choices. When work is done smartly it pays much more than just having a high amassing of production. This is because production resources may wear out without proper management.

Smart scalability is a powerful way to optimally use limited resources spread over a long period of time with better yield and ROI overall.

5. Interaction, Multi-Tasking, and Natural Language Processing

AI-powered RPA bots can interact with multiple applications just like a human and perform all kinds of varied administrative tasks that would require human handling. Among others, these tasks include data transfer from several input sources like emails, spreadsheets to record systems like ERP and CRM.

Additionally, artificial intelligence and natural language processing is the exchange between computers and humans in natural language. The language is analyzed and stored on the database with reference systems developed to unlock further cognitive ability. The computers are programmed to process and to analyze large amounts of natural language data with AI-backed technology helps bolster RPA.

6. Multi-Dimensional Solutions to RPA

Artificial intelligence is availing multi-dimensional solutions to challenges and problems which aid businesses to increase sales and productivity. AI empowers businesses with a higher ability to detect fraud in their RPA automation systems. Sometimes RPA bots are set to particular cycles and frequencies of doing the tasks without the highly smart cognitive ability AI injects into them. But with the marriage of AI and RPA into one cohesive automation force of machine intelligence (ML) means there is a 100% enhanced smart machine to do tasks better than average human capability.

7. Better Customer Experiences with AI-Virtual Assistants

Customer experiences with the automated work processes mean there are smart digital assistants on standby every time customers have queries and are seeking for specific clarifications. The AI-enabled digital assistants provide better customer experiences with conclusive and detailed customer care services. For businesses, robots have been used for several other tasks but when adapted for customer care services there are lesser customer complaints and increased engagement as a result of follow-up by customer care bots.

Besides, engaging and interactive virtual assistants who are famous and popular AI-based algorithms adapted to enhance and make life better and drive smart machines with smart technology. They are engaging and intelligent systems added to bring deeper meaning to RPA systems.

8. Modernization of Business Systems and Processes

Artificial Intelligence as a cognitive technology helps in modernization business products, services, systems, and business processes. Artificial Intelligence has and continues to impact RPA by adopting ways and means that help businesses expand rapidly with higher turnover and smart production technologies.

9. Provide Predictive and Statistical Business Analytics

Predictions or projections, current statistics, and analytics are vital for businesses to make plausible business decisions. The competition will always be there and only careful analysis and study will empower businesses to make meaningful and positive decisions. That is where Artificial Intelligence analyses in faster and real-time the prevailing business atmosphere and sentiment for RPA automated industries such as health care, automotive, banking, finance and logistics which benefit greatly from artificial intelligence.

10. AI Helps Redesign RPA Business Processes

AI helps several industries and services providers by redesigning the Business processes Automation and the way it operates in the market.

When machines have the smart capacity and ability to make decisions based on input data this is called Artificial Intelligence. These can be tasks, routines, efforts, or actions done by machines or computers relating to human intelligence.

11. AI Enhances RPA Machine Cognitive Ability

Machine learning (ML) is an AI application focusing on giving computer systems the ability to learn and improve automatically from experiences without being programmed frequently or over and over again.

Through Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence can solve problems via learning from the data to provide relevant solutions. AI makes things easier for machines to perform better and smarter operations without involving human hands at any time to explain to them how each task is done.

Cognitive technology is artificial intelligence but precisely machine learning empowered with self-teaching, contextual and human interaction ability. These abilities have multiple industrial adaptation banking and financial services automation for fraud detection with AI processes, logistics and retail business AI for better inventory and delivery management as well as lower power consumption.

12. Smarter and Futuristic Punch to Automation Overall

RPA works best with the smarter contributions and additions of AI. It is acknowledged that the best breakthrough results are possible by adding cognitive technology to RPA automation when changing from using ordinary business processes and systems to the advanced well-structured layout of advanced cognitive technology.  RPA brings in swift and dynamic solutions yet AI adds agility, higher efficiency, enhanced productivity, and smart business systems.

Moreover, Artificial Intelligence these days embeds or utilizes futuristic technology ability developed to meet more vital roles in meeting and addressing future consumer behavior and pattern. Most online businesses have already incorporated this futuristic technology in their business processes and systems. Research proves that most future transactions are going to be done and completed with AI-based bots or virtual assistants.


AI is a smart non-static cognitive technology that requires consistent and constant research and development as the dynamics and goal posts relating to the technology keep changing. Its technical inputs for continuous RPA growth and transformation require highly expert skills yet it is the need of the moment for smarter intelligent systems in business processes.

It is established that where these two complementary automation technologies meet and converge there is a visible, enhanced and hyper change in business fortunes for the better riding on the backs of increased efficiency and productivity. Artificial Intelligence robustly adds to an RPA Service the quintessential enhanced and smart ability to adopt cognitive technologies while undertaking or doing business tasks and processes seamlessly.

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