How Are Businesses Adapting Artificial Intelligence?

Video Analytics Companies discover how crucial it is in every business undertaking. We can see it adapted in almost every sphere of business and organizational domain. It is true AI helps reduces costs, helps in predictive analytics, avails fraud detection accuracy and helps determine customer perceptions and sentiments.

img August 04, 2022 | img 10 Min | img Artificial Intelligence, Video Analytics

Description: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a disruptive innovation for businesses today perhaps on a scale not seen before. Video Analytics is redefining the state of business intelligence and other services. AI has increasingly been adopted and used in enterprises for several reasons and purposes like to raise revenue, decrease operational costs and engage the customers. For several businesses by adding AI into businesses, has helped several businesses and organizations work efficiently and productively.

Moreover, their operations and management levels improve. AI has had a high impact on brand awareness. Several successful examples of using customer care services and marketing explain this thoroughly. Today, AI impacts every area of business. Let's look at the ways businesses are integrating AI.

Ways and Areas Businesses Are Applying Artificial Intelligence


1.Customer Care Services

Business is competitive and requires constant innovation to survive and stay relevant. And on that backdrop, AI is gradually but surely replacing humans in customer delivery services. Chatbots now interact with customers for businesses in realtime to solve complaints, place orders, get information etc. They can do almost anything required like conducting conversations with human customer-care representatives.

It�s estimated today that more than 85% of customer interactions are done without humans. The disruptive innovation of AI in businesses removes humans from tasks like customer care interactions. It helps reduce business costs, improves customer care access and multiplies conversational experience.

2.Business Process Automation (BPA)

Today we see the strong influence of both Business Process Automation and RPA on business activity across the board automation has taken centre stage in almost all tasks and routines, For example, data collection and analysis from smart sensors or the adaptation of ML algorithms to classify work and automated routing of service requests among others.

3.Predictive Analytics

Whether it is business performance or consumer behaviour on a grand scale, AI in business is used to know when specific business performance statistics are achieved or not. This helps drive more-well-planned and optimally business units and enterprises. 

Besides, with the addition of Machine Learning algorithms, various online customer behaviour�s are examined for strategic business planning. These may include making tailored product offerings, detect online fraud schemes and carry out target marketing efforts.

4.Business Intelligence

Business data is a strategic business asset. It avails actionable insights from the data itself and other vital inputs. However, with the adoption of AI in business intelligence, it's relatively easy to get valuable insights from collected data.

The insights gathered or collected help businesses improve their responsiveness and effectiveness of marketing, knowing customers better, doing market segmentation, and developing business strategies to help corporate decision-making by leveraging AI in their management.

5.Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation automates business processes using robots to reduce human control. Precision is vital and consequential in business operations. AI innovations help bridge that gap positively.

RPA affects output and efficiency in a very unique way. Today, business and industrial production lines integrate AI-robots to facilitate smarter and faster processes. The AI innovations are equipped to handle labour-intensive and routine tasks that save a lot of time and labour costs.

6.Target Specific Marketing

Target specific marketing focusses on demographics that drive business faster and in an organized way. For business revenues to grow, consumer market knowledge is essential. AI helps gauge these variables and dynamics with high precision. There is high competition to gain the attention of consumers and target demographics. That means target-specific marketing highlighting what attracts every customer and market is vital. AI helps collect actionable online customer data. AI helps predict and target where to market particular services and products. That multiplies sales targets, fine-tunes marketing strategy and curtails marketing costs.

7.High Productivity, Efficiency and No Error

The highest areas where businesses adaptation to AI applications are in curtailing human error and multiplying efficiency. Fewer errors mean better and faster service delivery. Moreover, that impacts financial bottom lines positively with higher productivity. Overall it means a more efficient and profitable business undertaking.

8.Natural Language Processing

Today businesses make use of Natural Language Processing in a big way. Businesses integrate digital assistants for regular tasks and endeavours. The AI - adapted digital assistants carry several tasks including making automated business reports minus human control. That is a huge shift from the time when human control was mandatory. Moreover, AI-based digital assistants can analyse various metrics to gauge customer�s thoughts about brands and their potential reactions.


Today, Video Analytics Companies in India discover how crucial it is in every business undertaking. We can see it adapted in almost every sphere of business and organizational domain. It is true AI helps reduces costs, helps in predictive analytics, avails fraud detection accuracy and helps determine customer perceptions and sentiments. The benefits and gains from adopting AI are great. It is therefore no wonder it is busy transforming businesses on a massive scale.

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