5 Differences Between Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing & Data Analytics

Business and data are simply inseparable as they need each other to go forward. Everything moves with data in one form or the other and data play a big role in research-based decisions...

img August 08, 2022 | img 8 Min | img Technology Consulting

Today, from data-based business decisions to long-term business forecasts BI and Analytics sit at the helm of it all. And yet, in definition, separation, and application to help arrive at plausible and meaningful actionable insights these three still cause confusion to some. And so what is the definition and difference between these three business data forms. From business intelligence, data warehousing, and data analytics. Below we find out in detail.

What is Business Intelligence:-

Business Intelligence is the collective technologies and applications for the collection, integration, analysis, and presentation of business data. Business Intelligence essentially adapted to enable and support data-based business decision making.

What is Data Warehousing:-

Data warehousing is a particular subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and non-volatile data collection exercise aiming to backup and support management decision-making processes. The subject-oriented data is adapted to analyze particular subject areas depending on data accuracy.

What is Data Analytics:-

Data analytics is the science of studying and analyzing raw data to be able to draw conclusions based on the data. Data analytics is automated and largely mechanical in nature, process, and algorithmic forms that transform raw data for human use.

Differences Between Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, and Data Analytics:-

1. The difference in Data Quantifier Terms

Business Intelligence: 

charts, graphs, presentations may present data in an altogether divergent format yet the aspiration forever remains to quantify it and arrive precise terms and conclusions and figures. Meaningful conclusions are only tenable when these data quantifier terms are thoroughly deciphered.  

Data Warehousing: 

Whereas data cannot be exactly and precisely quantified it can be stored I mass storage terms as we have today of files, bytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes and as many technical terms that refer to the data quantity stored on information and database systems.

Data Analytics: 

With the adaptation of mathematical modules, statistical formulas and programming techniques like linear regression, correlation and frequency studies data quantifier terms become different yet aspire to establish scientifically the facts behind or within the data sets.

2. The difference in Data Study Tool Sets

Business Intelligence: 

Whereas the effort and endeavor is information gathering business intelligence draws from illustrative and demonstrative data and information collection toolsets like graphics and charts, spreadsheets, dashboards, research is written reports, presentations, and meeting insights among others. This points to a harmonious study and observation of information sources to arrive at harmonious conclusions.

Data Warehousing: 

unlike the BI and DA, Data Warehousing is simply a collection of the data for future exhaustive and conclusive study to arrive at great decisions. Data is warehoused like stored to safeguard potential loss of raw data details. This warehousing can take place at any time in the data use process.

Data Analytics: 

combines statistical and computer programming techniques and skills. These data study toolsets range from hypothesis testing, linear regression, network analysis, frequency studies, correlation, clustering among other statistical toolsets are common in data analytics

3. Differences in Data Application Approach

Business Intelligence: 

Reliant on the data warehouse, business intelligence aims at building a co-relatable database of historical background, current situation, and future view of business trends. Business intelligence in many ways dwells on analysis, visualization, and statistical conclusions of studied data sets from time to time.   

Data Warehousing: 

This is a progressive collection of data with a subject-oriented future analysis of the data to impact decision making in business management. This means data is collected to safeguard any loss of a particular detail ad studied when appropriate to draw meaningful conclusions on the subject under study.

Data Analytics: 

From descriptive, diagnostic, predictive to prescriptive data analytics everything about data analytics is a step by step, precise and exact observation of data sets to deliver the most appropriate business decision backed by a scientific rationale. This sounds just like going to see a doctor for an investigation of a particular ailment. The doctor chooses to rely on scientifically based examination techniques to prescribe the best medication for the condition. Data analytics may follow a rigorous path aiming for precise data study conclusions.

5. Differences in Level Expert Data Handling and Study

Business Intelligence: 

Business intelligence depends on data that business managers work with. From using different visualization tools or any other options, they can create easily create BI reports.

Data Warehousing: 

This involves simply collecting and managing data from a variety of sources to provide vital business insights, present and future. It's also critical to note that the electronic data storage in a data warehouse by businesses helps them find solutions to various business-related queries and analyses. The data is stored and managed in various topics and headings.

Data Analytics: 

Data analytics requires higher levels of mathematical expertise. Data scientists take big data sets and apply algorithms to organize and model them up to a point when data is adaptable for forward-looking, predictive reports. Data analytics uses algorithms, simulations, and quantitative analysis to determine relationships between data that isn't obvious on the surface.

5. Differences in Types of Systems:-

Business Intelligence: 

Strategic business intelligence and operational business intelligence have functional subjects under which all business intelligence related investigations and analyses are conducted and professional business decisions and opinions are drawn.

Data Warehousing:

Data warehouses differ based on purposes and size, operational range. Data must be the first subject to definitive storage in structured, unstructured, or semi-structured. Data warehouse types generally include enterprise data warehouses, operational data stores, data mart, offline data warehouses, offline operational data warehouses, real-time data warehouses, integrated data warehouses. These offer varied services.

Data Analytics: 

Descriptive data analytics, predictive data analytics prescriptive data analytics, and diagnostic data analytics cover different phases in the statistical data analysis process.


In the end, Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, and Data Analytics' goal are simply to study the data and arrive at the most practical and best business decision. Be it business management, subject-oriented study, or business forecasting all these arms of a business help it to prosper if the decisions are based on and backed up by solid data analysis.

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