What Businesses Must Do To Improve Mobile Security?

Mobile security is always a big issue with businesses as it can affect and impact bottom lines. With most businesses now online and e-commerce the overwhelming trend so has the increased threat to mobile security from potential hackers and online data theft.

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At any rate, mobile security is key to improved trust, loyalty, and increased revenue. For Mobile App Development Singapore, mobile security ensures a business has standard procedures that help it create a competitive environment.

a) Online data or information theft is real and poses serious risks, challenges, and problems for businesses both from customers and regulatory framework institutions.

b) Mobile security is crucial for e-commerce transactions as it enables fast, safe and secure business to be done anywhere and anytime.

6 Ways How Businesses Can Improve Mobile Security?

Globally, there�s a spurt in businesses relying heavily on online transactions (e-orders and e-payments). How can the businesses ensure their customers their sensitive data is safe but more so protect businesses from Phishing? These are some critical ways to ensure optimum mobile security

1. Incorporate Biometrics and Triple-Layered Security Systems:-

Biometric security technology has been around for a while. Today it is a standard for almost all digital mobile devices that helps verify user identity and sometimes even location to help store personal physical characteristics. Each individual has a unique fingerprint, facial and iris scan. That makes biometrics more reliable and scientific for enhanced mobile security. Biometrics is a standard feature for almost all the new smartphones, palmtops and tablets users can choose the best option in biometric authentication (facial recognition, fingerprint, iris scan, voice recognition to unlock their devices.

Biometric authentication technology has improved immensely since its commercial introduction in the late 1960s and early 1970s that relied heavily on fingerprints and hand geometry patterns. However, biometrics today is more advanced with sophisticated sensors and algorithms that help to reduce false acceptance rates (FAR) and block attempts at spoofing.  

Biometrics systems are gaining momentum globally. The global biometrics technologies market is highest in Asia and the Pacific region as they are widely adopted for faster passenger verification and identification of air, rail and marine travel passengers at airports, rail stations and entry ports.

Besides consumer goods and services devices industry has seen and developed due to advancements in smart device features. Apart from biometrics, having three-layered access protocols robustly reinforces mobile security as online businesses are exposed to constant threat all the time.

2. Verify Access Networks and with Remote Data Safeguards:-

Most of the attacks or mobile security lapses occur either as a result of lax login protocol or over unverified open networks. These connections don't have extra-strong user protection measures and expose critical business and corporate data to high-risks. These networks and connections are easily hackable via Man-in-the-Middle attacks. However, disabling automatic network connection on the mobile device greatly reduces and cripples the ability to have unauthorized access.

More so, having remote data access with variable functionality is a great way to enhance mobile security and counter security risks of data exposure. If data is compromised, stolen or lost on a device there are remote data access tools that can lock or remotely delete the data to safeguard security. This eliminates unauthorized data access to sensitive business files and corporate data.

3. Solid Data Encryption and User Authentication: for Access:-

It's vital to have high-security protocols including screen lock using passwords, built-in biometric authentication and data encryption. These security measures eliminate unauthorized access and create an access barrier that keeps vital data on mobile devices fully-secured

Data encryption protects both the data stored on the mobile devices and the data it shares. Without data decryption keys, unauthorized user access to the data s impossible. Besides, VPNs also provide secure internet connections via private servers on remote hosting. Usually, data transmitted or sent from mobile devices and VPN servers is highly encrypted.

4. Certified Application Downloads:-

New app installations like games, video apps, social networking chat room downloads etc. are often conduits for phishing. The software may carry third-party library authentication or sources and pose grave risks to mobile security and privacy of corporate data.

Considering the value of enterprise business data and the potential damage to business in case of a breach, securing all potential access routes is a positive business security step.

5. Maintain Regular Mobile Device Upgrades:-

Why is a regular mobile device upgrade important? Often, from the app stores and other sources come reminders to update apps regularly and incorporate the latest features and functions. Similarly, mobile devices' security functions are susceptible to obsolescence and becoming outdated or open to easy hacking and security compromise. It's estimated in Asia the average time taken to upgrade to a new mobile device is shrinking as new security features are added to the latest mobile devices. For instance, from 3G to 4G and now impending 5G are several security features. Users always want to stay abreast with the latest mobile device technology.

6. Consistent Mobile Security Audit and Backup:-

Frequently repeated and regular security checks and evaluations ensure the optimum performance of mobile devices. It also helps to easily detect vulnerable security areas that could pose risks to the entire network.

Although sharing vital business data using mobile devices may improve efficiency it also exposes businesses to risks. End-End encrypted business data MUST move between certified and secure business data sharing networks to ensure absolute safety and integrity.

Any deviation from the established business data handling mechanisms is a call for disaster to happen someday or anytime.

However, even when mobile security breaches happen like malware attacks, lost or stolen mobile devices data loss can be avoided with updates or backups remotely. Automated data backups from mobile devices is a typical IT security procedure.


There are regular reports of attempted and successful online frauds that come as a result of lax security mechanisms on the part of businesses. That is why businesses MUST institute and engage multi-level verification protocols to ensure secure business transactions for their customers and guarantee only standardized access for registered clients.

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