6 Innovative Ways How Mobile Apps Are Tested Before Launch?

A compatibility test is a test that ensures apps operates effectively on any operating system or device. How Mobile apps are Tasted Before Launch? Read here

img August 03, 2022 | img 10 Min | img Mobile App Development

Today, there are about 7.7 billion people in the world and 5.15 billion make use of a mobile phone and this evaluation saw a great increase in the past 12 months or ever since COVID-19 broke out. This gives reason to believe that these statistics are temporal and yet to go further and beyond present estimates. For any App Development Company, this is both good news and a challenge to come out with winning mobile apps.

What is a Mobile Application?

A mobile application is a program designed specifically to assist its users. It can perform various functions depending on the user's command. Apps can interpret texts, design graphics, work on numbers, videos and audio files, etc.

Previously, mobile applications were designed just for productivity purposes. For example, formal communication (emails), informal communications (contact database) but the increase in man's activity and need for accuracy, efficiency, and prompt delivery of tasks extended the need for apps as well in other areas of purpose.

Mobile applications are stored by mobile operating systems such as IOS stores for apple products, Google Play store for android users, Symbian for windows phone OS, etc.

A mobile application can simply be referred to as a �mobile app', or an �app'. Apps specifically built for mobile phones are referred to as mobile apps. They are software applications designed and structured to effectively function on small screens of mobile phones, tablets, palmtop, or other compatible digital devices (watches). These apps are created to satisfy and meet end-user needs. Examples of these mobile apps are Microsoft word, PowerPoint presentation, file viewer, email, web browsers, etc.

Most software programs were initially designed for computer/ desktop usage but as a result of increased demand, there has been a shift in focus. It is important to note that there are different system software and application software. System software mainly is mainly integral and runs on a computer. But with the evolution of technology, more apps can be bundled with the desktops or may as well operate separately.

Types of Mobile Applications

Mobile apps can be categorized in many ways depending on the function they perform or the nature of the apps and by many other determinants and features. A more generalized method is web-based apps, hybrid apps, and native apps.

Native Applications

These types of applications are designed to function specifically on a type of platform. Take for example applications with IOS base cannot function on android mobiles, thus such apps are called native apps. They are targeted towards a specific mobile product.

Web-Based App

These are those applications that need internet access to function adequately. These apps app are coded In JavaScript, HTML5, and Cascade style sheets (CSS).

Hybrid Apps

These apps have both native app features as well as web-based app features, for example, React Native and Apache Cordova are among the many others.

Although these apps may be fast and easy to develop as it !makes use of a single code base however hybrid apps still have low performance cause they often don�t display the original look nor give the familiar feel in mobile operator devices.

App Development Cycle and Process

The popular quote by John Ruskin �Quality is never an accident it is always the result of intelligent work� is indeed true in each word. An application can only be efficient when intelligent effort has been made. When developing an application, the type of device, the app it's being designed for and the features of the device both have to be put into consideration. The size of the screen, battery life, processor, and many more. Both the pros and cons must be put in check.

Most mobile applications demand the use of IDE (Integrated Development Environment} before an app is launched it is first tested using emulators (either hardware or software that allows computer systems act as host and guest respectively to emulate a program) then it is further tested in-field testing.

Innovative Ways How Mobile Apps Are Tested Before Launch

When a developer designs an app for the end-user he puts or keeps mainly two things in mind namely retention of the users and user experience (UI). In the year 2019, over 200 billion applications were downloaded worldwide but the retention rate was only 32%.

Thus the question arises, why the user retention rate was that low? It is a major constraint to know how well an app has met the desire of the end-user. Was the display good, are there any app glitches, or are the features of the app enticing? Getting views and feedback from the users can be really difficult but vitally rewarding. And that�s why mobile app testing steps in! For Mobile App Development in Singapore, a thorough evaluation is a systematic process of evaluation, testing, and development to launch undergoes:

1. A/B Testing

It is a UI research method. It makes of randomized experimentation that involves 2 (two) variants A and B. It makes use of two-sample hypothesis testing, statistical hypothesis testing, etc. This approach usually compares two layouts or content of a single variable by simply testing variable A with B and deducing which of the variable is more efficient.

2. Server Side Testing

This test is performed directly on the web without client interference. The test is run on a web server first before it is presented to the clients.

3. Functional Testing

This software testing makes sure that the application is effectively functioning without crashing. It makes sure that functions such as login, sign out, installations and updates, etc. are operating properly.

4. User Experience Testing

The usability test is particularly concerned with user experience (UI)

It makes sure that the end-user faces no difficulty while using the application. It revolves around ways to improve UI it also depends on feedback from the client to make improvements.

5. Performance and Load Testing

This test is done to ensure the app is not malfunctioning and can work efficiently under the workload. It tests for the device and network performance, API performance, etc.

6. Compatibility Testing

According to the mobile-first approach, any program designed should be on a mobile phone first before it should advance to larger screens. This ensures the software can function effectively.

A compatibility test is a test that ensures mobile apps operate effectively on any operating system or device. It�s of two types: backward testing and forward testing.


With more than 4 million mobile apps available for download there are several options an end-user can choose from For an App Development Company, the most important need is to fully satisfy the end-user with quality accessibility and functionality in the mobile app. The apps must not only meet the user needs but also surpass them having undergone thorough mobile app testing.

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