Designing is a very important part of a company. It holds the reputation of the services, goods, and other essentials provided by the firm. The basic and fundamental reason as to why this is important is because a good design gives the clients a brief description about the product or the services offered by the firm. This has its importance in developing a complete layout in the context of its production, marketing and implementation. Designing and development also helps in working out the prototype of the product and drafting a budget which ultimately helps in achieving all the desired goals. Designing is said to be the first step of any production; the later parts is development. The development in respect to a product delivery is basically classified into 3 categories. First is the development of the product, then comes the marketing of the product and later comes the development of the product in the complete organization. This are the three steps that are very necessary in the organization.

Why Website Design and development is necessary?
  • Visible to Customers
  • Create Direct Marketing Channel
  • Build Brand
  • Better Service & Sales
  • Real-Time Data Capture
  • Increase Customer Engagement
  • New value for customers
  • Improved society
  • Continued existence of the company
Benefits of web design and web development:
  • Improves Efficiency
  • Offers High Scalability
  • Secures Your App Data
  • Easy to Maintain
  • Improves Customer Relationship
  • Real-time Project Access
  • Ease in Project Management
Application Design

How important is designing in an application? This question can be well answered in the applications we use in our day to day life. These applications not just make our work simpler but also give us a way to think out of the box. This out of the box thinking is said as improvisation. Designing an application with perfectionis not easy in the first attempt but it is a very important aspect for the organization. We at Decipher understand all this and so our experts are always there to help our clients make a better design to give a better and smoother experience to the customers. With so many new start-ups in the market, designing an application has become a very competitive task these days. Using an application is easier for a customer and this is one of the prominent reasons as to why the companies have started launching applications for their various services. But only launching an application is not the only task to perform. It is very important to keep in mind the UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) of the developed application. If the navigation of the application is not smooth and easy to understand, people would switch on to other service providers without thinking twice. Application design is directly connected to the revenue generated by the app. The better your application design is, the more lucrative it is.

Stages for this process, such as the following:
  • Estimation

  • Market research

  • UX wireframing

  • Prototyping

  • UI design

  • Animation

  • Software architecture planning

  • iOS/Android development

  • Testing

Custom Applications

Custom application designing is the process of developing an application specifically for a group of users within a firm. These applications are specifically designed to meet the needs of the group of people so that they can work in a better way, effectively and efficiently. These Softwares can be designed by either a third-party contractor or an in-house group of developers. These applications are not meant to be sold. The customized applications help the organization to check their online application in a better way. Moreover, they can get the insight to these applications as they have a better look at them.

ERP, CRM Development

The ERP and CRM development is a very important part of an organization’s designing department. Basically, the ERP is a software that is built to organize and collect various data from the different departments of the organization and then keep an eye on the activities of all the departments. Moreover, a better and a structured approach to ERP can turn the tables for a company. It can enhance the production rate and improve the output and results across departments. Things can add onto this as it saves a lot of time and cuts the required. ERP also helps the managers to manage the work and keep an eye on the complete staff under them. There are various types of ERP used in the firms, such as Cloud and the multi- tiered system of ERP.

Open Source Development

Basically, for an organization there are many ways to run an open source development. No company sticks to the same as the other one. Two successful open source development products can be different from each other that means an organization can craft out their own open source for better productivity. We at Decipher have our own defined open-source development ways and tools that helps us to make doing business, easy and simple. Although it is very important to keep in mind all the processes involved in this development but one of the major tools that is required here is the developers. And trusting only the experts is the key to getting the most out of your employees, inventory, time and money.

Application Containerization

The application containerization is a virtual method that is used to deploy and smoothly run the application without launching the complete VM (Virtual Machine). The AC comprises of the components of the runtime that are files such as documents, libraries, environment variables which is necessary to keep up the desired software. The AC consumes lesser amount of resources as compared to the other software doing the same work. There are many tools that help the in-house experts to flourish a greater benefit from the application containerization.


The evolution of artificial intelligence is now in high demand and it is implemented in every field access. The one perfect example of the AI is ‘Chabot’. With the spread of messengers, virtual chat agent that imitate human conversations for solving various tasks are becoming increasingly in demand. The chatbots are the software that mimics the pre- spoken or written texts. It has just one purpose which is stimulating a conversation with a real person. There are 2 ways by which chatbots are used, firstly by obviously applications that are web based and secondly by applications that are standalone. In today’s world, almost every organization is using chatbot services in a full flesh way.

Why organizations need Chatbots?
  • To scale up operations
  • When organization facing lots of queries.
  • Organization have identical product and services
  • Marketing content though various online channels
  • Drive up organization efficiently
  • Enable live chat support

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