Cloud Services

Cloud Services help a business to boom and recover from any loss by powering the other technologies such as mobility, big data, and social media. Cloud computing is an on-demand computing power, database and application storage, and IT resources on different platforms via the internet. In simple words, it is an office without actually hardware and software. Cloud Computing is one of the ways or we can say that it is one of the simplest ways to get an access to a highly secured storage, database, server and application services on the internet. The business that is oriented or has Cloud Computing in their working structure have a lot of profit and advantages over the other firms who lack in this service. Here are some of the advantages that Cloud Computing provides.

Whenever you deploy an application mostly you do is guess the expense. With Cloud Computing at your firm, you will get a clearer picture and the guessing game will be eliminated. Neither will you be short on resources and nor will you be paying any extra expenses. One can trade all your capital expense with the variable expense. With this, you will not have to pay any bills to data centers unless you use the data. Moreover, with Cloud Computing in play, you will just have to pay for the amount of data you have used and not for the complete stuff. Cloud is useful as it enables all the business goals of a firm.


The cloud has become an essential part of doing business in the 21st century. The ability to access data and applications from anywhere at any time has transformed the way businesses operate. Cloud services have made it possible for businesses to be more agile, responsive, and efficient.

There are many benefits of using cloud services for businesses. Perhaps the most important benefit is that it can help businesses save money. Cloud services are usually much more cost-effective than traditional on-premises solutions.

They often require no upfront investment and offer pay-as-you-go pricing models that can help businesses control their costs. Another major benefit of cloud services is that they can improve business agility.

Our Expertise

We offer a wide range of cloud services, including public, private, and hybrid clouds. Our public cloud offerings include Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS,) and Software as a Service (SaaS). Our private cloud solutions provide secure, scalable, and manageable cloud environments for businesses of all sizes. Our hybrid cloud solutions allow you to seamlessly blend public and private clouds to create the perfect environment for your needs.

Effective Client Infrastructure

A well-functioning client infrastructure is important for maintaining a positive customer experience. By providing an effective platform for your clients to access their data, you can ensure that they have the tools they need to do their jobs and that you can respond quickly to any issues that may arise.

Flexible Application Development

In order for our clients to stay ahead of the curve, we offer a range of flexible application development options. Our skilled developers can help you create custom applications that meet your specific needs, whether you need a new website or an entirely new system. With so many options available, there’s no reason why you can’t find the perfect solution for your business.

Variety of Storage Options

We understand that different businesses require different storage options. That’s why we offer a variety of storage solutions, from traditional hard drives to more advanced technologies like SSDs and solid-state drives. By choosing the right storage option for your business, you can improve performance and reduce costs while ensuring maximum security.

After-sales Services

Our after-sales services are designed to help keep your clients happy and satisfied. From technical support to warranty repairs, our team is available 24/7 to provide the assistance you need. We know how important it is to have a positive

Better Security

Cloud security is a critical issue, and it's important to have the right people on your side. At Intermedia, we know how to provide reliable cloud security for your business. We offer a range of services, including Cybersecurity consulting, Cloud protection, VPN, and secure tunneling.

Our Expertise

We offer a wide range of cloud services, including public, private, and hybrid clouds. Our public cloud offerings include Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS,) and Software as a Service (SaaS). Our private cloud solutions provide secure, scalable, and manageable cloud environments for businesses of all sizes. Our hybrid cloud solutions allow you to seamlessly blend public and private clouds to create the perfect environment for your needs.

Our Offerings

Cloud Management as a Service

Cloud storage service is one of the most important components of a booming business. It provides the much-needed security, centralization and support to the firm. The cloud management consultancy is helpful when there is either a data breach, or a loss of data, either a downtime or being vulnerable to some threat. The cloud storage management is vital and its value cannot be harnessed until the organization treats it as a data center and not just a tool. Decipher’ distinctive approach towards managing the problems and delivering the results to our clients through a better cloud management platform has swelled their portfolios with appreciation and positive results. Therefore, cloud as a service is a major component that needs to be there in an organization.

Why we need Cloud management as a service?

Meet today’s
competing priorities
Prepare for the
Gain compelling
business benefits


Save Cost

Predictable cost

Future technology

Custom and integrated service

Robust infrastructure

Centralized network services

Multi-level coverage

Fast response

Talk to Us

Infrastructure as a Service

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is super automated and instant offer given to customer on-demand where computing resources, complemented by networking and storage are owned and hosted by a service provider. There are always some or the other ways by which an organization can improvise on their existing norms and get the most out of their resources and stuff.

They can be anything such as:

Setting your sight on a better company

In all the IT firms, if at all they have to boom in the market, there is one things that all of them have to do, it is synchronizing the technologies with business. These two things go hand in hand in successful companies. Create a vision and benchmark for your staff and strive to achieve it.

Define all the needful technologies

Technology plays a vital role in disrupting or enhancing the operations and business in a firm. One should always keep a check on the technologies used in the organization as well as keep a regular eye on new emerging technologies and trending technologies in the market. This helps the company to create a scope of betterment.

Identify and eliminate the gaps

Identifying and eliminating the gaps is one of the most important part of the process of transforming an organization. For filling the gaps, you need to evaluate your current technologies and match it up with some other firm that is doing better than yours. You should know your audience, the vulnerabilities of your company, and why is your firm not performing as others. Answers to all these questions will help in filling the gaps.

For a smooth functioning of an IT firm, it is very important to get the most of it. And when it comes to infrastructure you can never achieve more unless you think for the future. One should always plan for future during the infrastructure transformation process. This saves time, money and a lot of chaos and makes data migration easy.

Why we need Cloud management as a service?

Increased Data


Cost Efficiency



Talk to Us

Cloud Migration

Cloud migration is the process of relocating all of your useful data, ongoing business deals and applications on the cloud computing environment. This process is useful and equally important for a company. Doing this fast is not going to make everything right, but doing it the right way is the key. It also accelerates the time to market and improves the productivity by cutting the operation cost to minimal.

The Decipher cloud migration process is the best answer for the IT companies that want to migrate any of their sensitive items.


Data Security
Time & Cost



Disaster recovery


Not Costly

Work from anywhere



Environment friendly

Talk to Us

Backup & Disaster Recovery

Backup and disaster recovery are two main components of a multi-layered IT security. Backups are used to cut short the downtime of a company whenever disaster happens.

We have acquired the best practices of the hybrid cloud backup and disaster recovery, with help of which we are able to restore all the data for clients in a few minutes. The main features of our backup and disaster recovery services includes:

The bare metal recovery system, which helps our experts to recover all the lost data from the bare metal easily and quickly.

The hybrid cloud data empowers our clients to archive all the lost information quickly. In meanwhile this process also gives the power to tag and search the archive files easily.

The virtual Recovery of a disaster.

The modern ways of data protection with Decipher help our clients to protect all their valuable data, integrate their data with popular and easy solutions and reduce the cost of their ownership.

Talk to Us

Cloud Storage Management

The process of storing the data with the help of a cloud storage services model on the internet is called as Cloud storage management.

The features of cloud storage management are:

It helps in developing the cloud native applications

It can help you keep the existing solutions on private cloud

Helps in creating cognitive solutions

It can also help you leverage cloud for developing new products and test them

Helps you in protecting the workplace with traffic insights

With all these above features the benefits our clients get after collaborating with us are:

A reduced cost sheet which means the money that you invest will be minimum and the results/ outcomes will be more.

Cloud storage also helps the IT sector to deliver the exact amount of storage that is required. The time of deployment is less.

With cloud all the information is stored at one place that reduces the access time and increases the productivity.

Talk to Us

Infrastructure And Cloud Security

Providing cloud security consultancy to an organization less or more is a difficult task that requires a lot of workload and the correct distribution of workforce. For more than one reason and the above mentioned benefits companies that provide cloud security service find it effective and reliable to implement the cloud security which is the next level security. Although the cloud security management has a few unique opportunities it also is an invitation to challenges and risks. It is really convenient for local SAN and NAS. The service providers are the store, run, manage and keep upgrading all the security details to help your firm evade the data breach easily.

Talk to Us

Monitoring and Alerting

Be it a small business or a big one, you need to keep an eye constantly on the changing environment of the business market. This helps you in adjusting according to the changes that occur on day to day basis. It also helps the organization to know about the things that are required for getting the best out of their resources.

Listed below are the advantages of monitoring and alerting:

With a better monitoring and alerting system an organization always stays ahead of outages. They do not fall for the human error, configuration issues, or any other major and minor environmental changes in the firm. The network monitoring is one of the most basic and simple ways to prevent these problems. It also keeps the firms ahead of the critical problems in the first place.

The IT teams of Decipher has always been tackling complex projects, heavy workloads, efficiently keeping in mind the budget as well as the time. This can be a very big factor in gaining an immediate ROI.

There is a big hand of IT in changing the face and state of technology. With growing technologies and changing networks, you need to keep everything secure and in a great shape. This can only be possible with continuous alert monitoring.

Why we need Monitoring and Alerting

It improves the use of the hardware

It prevents incidents and when these incidents happen

Customer service improvement

Improved productivity

Improved reliability

Save them money

Talk to Us

Cloud Optimization

In today’s business world, one should be aware of the fact that minimizing cost in cloud computing will always compromise with the load balancing and the capacity of the server. To get the most of cloud you need to have an environment that helps your cloud to work in the full capacity.

We at Decipher help our clients in maximizing the investment you do in cloud optimizing the infrastructure.

Why we need Cloud Optimization

Ensure that you pay only for whatever you use.

We help you in achieving the ROI by employing a price-based model.

Get all the additional savings with a purpose-based infrastructure.

Benefits & Advantages

We help you in focusing for the real picture.

Help you get the access to a democratize Access to data.

Get a smart Cloud thermostat.

Help you not turn into a data hoarder.

Talk to Us

Dockers and Containers

Dockers is the virtual level operating system. It is used to run software packages. Although this software was primarily developed for Linux but later on it was developed for Linux Kernel, Union capable file system.


Multi-Cloud Platforms

Environment Standardization



Talk to Us

Our Offerings

Cloud storage service is one of the most important components of a booming business. It provides the much-needed security, centralization and support to the firm. The cloud management consultancy is helpful when there is either a data breach, or a loss of data, either a downtime or being vulnerable to some threat. The cloud storage management is vital and its value cannot be harnessed until the organization treats it as a data center and not just a tool. Decipher’ distinctive approach towards managing the problems and delivering the results to our clients through a better cloud management platform has swelled their portfolios with appreciation and positive results. Therefore, cloud as a service is a major component that needs to be there in an organization.

Why we need Cloud management as a service?

Meet today’s
competing priorities
Prepare for the
Gain compelling
business benefits


Save Cost

Predictable cost

Future technology

Custom and integrated service

Robust infrastructure

Centralized network services

Multi-level coverage

Fast response

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is super automated and instant offer given to customer on-demand where computing resources, complemented by networking and storage are owned and hosted by a service provider. There are always some or the other ways by which an organization can improvise on their existing norms and get the most out of their resources and stuff.

They can be anything such as:

Setting your sight on a better company

In all the IT firms, if at all they have to boom in the market, there is one things that all of them have to do, it is synchronizing the technologies with business. These two things go hand in hand in successful companies. Create a vision and benchmark for your staff and strive to achieve it.

Define all the needful technologies

Technology plays a vital role in disrupting or enhancing the operations and business in a firm. One should always keep a check on the technologies used in the organization as well as keep a regular eye on new emerging technologies and trending technologies in the market. This helps the company to create a scope of betterment.

Identify and eliminate the gaps

Identifying and eliminating the gaps is one of the most important part of the process of transforming an organization. For filling the gaps, you need to evaluate your current technologies and match it up with some other firm that is doing better than yours. You should know your audience, the vulnerabilities of your company, and why is your firm not performing as others. Answers to all these questions will help in filling the gaps.

For a smooth functioning of an IT firm, it is very important to get the most of it. And when it comes to infrastructure you can never achieve more unless you think for the future. One should always plan for future during the infrastructure transformation process. This saves time, money and a lot of chaos and makes data migration easy.

Why we need Cloud management as a service?

Increased Data


Cost Efficiency



Cloud migration is the process of relocating all of your useful data, ongoing business deals and applications on the cloud computing environment. This process is useful and equally important for a company. Doing this fast is not going to make everything right, but doing it the right way is the key. It also accelerates the time to market and improves the productivity by cutting the operation cost to minimal.

The Decipher cloud migration process is the best answer for the IT companies that want to migrate any of their sensitive items.


Data Security
Time & Cost



Disaster recovery


Not Costly

Work from anywhere



Environment friendly

Backup and disaster recovery are two main components of a multi-layered IT security. Backups are used to cut short the downtime of a company whenever disaster happens.

We have acquired the best practices of the hybrid cloud backup and disaster recovery, with help of which we are able to restore all the data for clients in a few minutes. The main features of our backup and disaster recovery services includes:

The bare metal recovery system, which helps our experts to recover all the lost data from the bare metal easily and quickly.

The hybrid cloud data empowers our clients to archive all the lost information quickly. In meanwhile this process also gives the power to tag and search the archive files easily.

The virtual Recovery of a disaster.

The modern ways of data protection with Decipher help our clients to protect all their valuable data, integrate their data with popular and easy solutions and reduce the cost of their ownership.

The process of storing the data with the help of a cloud storage services model on the internet is called as Cloud storage management.

The features of cloud storage management are:

It helps in developing the cloud native applications

It can help you keep the existing solutions on private cloud

Helps in creating cognitive solutions

It can also help you leverage cloud for developing new products and test them

Helps you in protecting the workplace with traffic insights

With all these above features the benefits our clients get after collaborating with us are:

A reduced cost sheet which means the money that you invest will be minimum and the results/ outcomes will be more.

Cloud storage also helps the IT sector to deliver the exact amount of storage that is required. The time of deployment is less.

With cloud all the information is stored at one place that reduces the access time and increases the productivity.

Providing cloud security consultancy to an organization less or more is a difficult task that requires a lot of workload and the correct distribution of workforce. For more than one reason and the above mentioned benefits companies that provide cloud security service find it effective and reliable to implement the cloud security which is the next level security. Although the cloud security management has a few unique opportunities it also is an invitation to challenges and risks. It is really convenient for local SAN and NAS. The service providers are the store, run, manage and keep upgrading all the security details to help your firm evade the data breach easily.

Be it a small business or a big one, you need to keep an eye constantly on the changing environment of the business market. This helps you in adjusting according to the changes that occur on day to day basis. It also helps the organization to know about the things that are required for getting the best out of their resources.

Listed below are the advantages of monitoring and alerting:

With a better monitoring and alerting system an organization always stays ahead of outages. They do not fall for the human error, configuration issues, or any other major and minor environmental changes in the firm. The network monitoring is one of the most basic and simple ways to prevent these problems. It also keeps the firms ahead of the critical problems in the first place.

The IT teams of Decipher has always been tackling complex projects, heavy workloads, efficiently keeping in mind the budget as well as the time. This can be a very big factor in gaining an immediate ROI.

There is a big hand of IT in changing the face and state of technology. With growing technologies and changing networks, you need to keep everything secure and in a great shape. This can only be possible with continuous alert monitoring.

Why we need Monitoring and Alerting

It improves the use of the hardware

It prevents incidents and when these incidents happen

Customer service improvement

Improved productivity

Improved reliability

Save them money

In today’s business world, one should be aware of the fact that minimizing cost in cloud computing will always compromise with the load balancing and the capacity of the server. To get the most of cloud you need to have an environment that helps your cloud to work in the full capacity.

We at Decipher help our clients in maximizing the investment you do in cloud optimizing the infrastructure.

Why we need Cloud Optimization

Ensure that you pay only for whatever you use.

We help you in achieving the ROI by employing a price-based model.

Get all the additional savings with a purpose-based infrastructure.

Benefits & Advantages

We help you in focusing for the real picture.

Help you get the access to a democratize Access to data.

Get a smart Cloud thermostat.

Help you not turn into a data hoarder.

Dockers is the virtual level operating system. It is used to run software packages. Although this software was primarily developed for Linux but later on it was developed for Linux Kernel, Union capable file system.


Multi-Cloud Platforms

Environment Standardization



Talk to Us

Common Challenges

Be it a small or a big IT firm, Cloud Computing has made things easier and smooth for all the staff members. Cloud has helped several firms in framing an organization which comprises more than just software and hardware. With several benefits and having a lot of advantages, Cloud has been providing some enhancing services to many IT firms.

As the usage of Cloud in every IT and some Non-IT industry is becoming more and more prevalent with time, it has become very important that it should be address so that it eliminates the present and future challenges with the help of this technology. Considering all the aspects, here are a few common problems that are still posing problems to those who are not using the Cloud Technology.

This is a true fact that implementing cloud demands a heavy investment. But what make things harder is its high operational cost. This happens due to the multiple applications that run on diverse platforms making it consistently difficult.

It mostly happens to the less funded companies that due to the operational inefficiency there is a lack of focus business.

Due to the high content delivery, the difficulty to meet the desired ROI has caused an adhering to budget pressure.

Cloud is also helping the business get a kick start to swell the revenue but for that an organization needs to get the complete knowledge of the technology.

The shortage of skills as well as fear of change can resist companies from accepting the fact that cloud computing is for their best of interest.


It’s been two decades that cloud has been in picture now. It has transformed many firms giving them handsome results and fat returns. Be it reducing the cost, working efficiently, or using the resources effectively, cloud has continuously provided the company with what they were looking for in one or the other way.

Listed below are the advantages of having cloud services in the firm:

It helps in cost cutting. If you are one of those who is hesitant of switching to the cloud services due to the price tag then change your mindset. It is just the initial investment that you have to do because later on it will save money as well as time.

Another important factor that cannot be neglected is the security. It is true that all the files, data, programs and information is kept online but it is under regular surveillance. You can access all the files of the organization at one touch. The personnel having the authority can check all the files at once. This increases the security many folds.

The cloud services also provide the much-needed mobility. Because all the data is online, you can have the access of all the data while you are on the go. Be it a laptop or a smartphone, you will always be in touch with everything happening in your firm. It also gives the employees the liberty to freelance and work from home.

Flexibility that cloud provides is also very important and useful. As compared to hosting on a local server, the cloud offers more flexible business. And if your business at any point of time needs an extra bandwidth, cloud can meet the demand instantly.

Automatic software updates are available in the Cloud services. For those who have their work online it is always a problematic situation for them to get their software updated. But with cloud you will not have to worry about that. It automatically updates everything.

However secure your company be, there is always a risk that keeps on building, so this is one of the advantages due to which cloud is being adopted by almost every small and big firm. The advantage of disaster recovery. Be it a critical or a futile cyber-attack, all your data will be saved and retrieved in no time.

Get Advanced Solutions for Your Industry

Where Passion and Technology Meet

  • IT/Telecom
  • Travel
  • Hospitality
  • Media
  • Manufacturing
  • Automotive
  • Education
  • Health Care
    Health Care
  • Logistics/Transportation
  • Real Estate
    Real Estate
  • Consumer/Retail
  • BFSI

Tools & Technologies


IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) is a Cloud Computing model where the provider manages the infrastructure, including servers, storage, networks, and applications. Our IaaS typically provide an infrastructure that can be deployed by organizations without having to manage or own the underlying technology.


Our PaaS services includes everything from the operating system and applications to security, data storage, and compute resources. You get to use this infrastructure without having to worry about the underlying technology. One of the biggest benefits of our PaaS is that it can quickly enable new applications.


Cloud services have come a long way since their early days as software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings. We can help you find a range of cloud services that do everything from running your business' back office to providing on-demand access to your data.

Cloud Migration
Cloud Migration

We can help you move all of your data, applications, and servers to our secure and reliable cloud infrastructure. We offer a variety of options to fit your needs, so you can be sure that your transition is as smooth as possible.

Data Privacy
Data Privacy

It's also important for businesses because it helps them protect their customers' privacy and maintain customer trust. If you're concerned about your data privacy, don't hesitate to consult us about what security measures they take to protect your information.


Our cloud services provide a scalable, secure, and reliable platform to power your business. Our services are designed to meet the needs of small businesses, mid-sized businesses, and enterprise organizations. We offer a variety of cloud services that include hosted email, SharePoint, Dynamics, and Office 365.

Our Happy Clients

"Working with Decipher was a great pleasure and I must mention that the work I have got done from this team is beyond my expectations. Thus, selecting Decipher for RPA services proved to be a correct decision for my organization. We look forward to our continued partnership with Decipher."

Alex Hartley

"From the initial discussion phase to the final documentation of implementing RPA services in our business, it was a great experience to interact with them. Moreover, Decipher gives us the essential skills and knowledge to make our RPA journey effective from both technical as well as business perspective. We highly recommend Decipher for RPA services!"

Kevin Corstorphine


1. What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a model of computing in which access to resources is provided through the internet, rather than being bound by the physical location of the computer. This allows users to work from anywhere in the world with the same level of access to resources and applications. Cloud computing allows organizations to save money by using remote servers to store data and applications.

There are three types of cloud computing: public, private, and hybrid. Public cloud computing is where the infrastructure and services are provided by a third party, such as Amazon Web Services. Private cloud computing is where the infrastructure and services are provided by an organization itself.

Decipher offers a wide range of cloud computing services that can help businesses optimize their computing needs. With our services, businesses can save money on their computing costs, increase efficiency and productivity, and improve security. Our services are designed to meet the specific needs of businesses, so you can trust that you are getting the most comprehensive and reliable options available.

We believe that our cloud services should be easy to use and affordable for everyone. That's why our billing process is simple. You pay for the services you use, and we handle the billing and payments for you. We also offer a free trial so you can try out our services before you buy them.

Yes, we offer a flexible payment plan according to usage. You can start with a free trial and then choose to subscribe at a discounted monthly rate. Plus, when you subscribe, you get access to our entire suite of services, including our powerful email marketing tool.

When it comes to data, you can never be too careful. That's why we recommend using our cloud services to protect your data from accidental deletion. Our services offer multiple layers of protection, including automatic backup and disaster recovery. Additionally, we offer secure file sharing and storage, so you can easily keep your data safe and secure.

Why Choose Decipher ?


Our highly experienced team with vast technological expertise is fully equipped to deliver perfect solutions for all your requirements.


Our dedicated and professionally skilled team works relentlessly to ensure error-free and timely delivery of solutions to our clients.


With the best talent on-board and following best practices, we are fully committed to provide technically superior and the most efficient solutions to our clients.


We keep our engagement clear and transparent; our teams work hand-in-hand with clients ensuring exceptional servicing & long-term relationships.


With the Client-First approach; all our efforts are aimed towards creating winning solutions for our clients, even if that calls for going the extra mile.


For us Client satisfaction is supreme; we take full ownership and responsibility to offer you more value for your money and keep you ahead of your competition.

Why Choose Decipher ?
