
Maximizing sales and strengthening communication are among the foremost priorities for any organization, but at the same time it is equally important to keep the costs also under control. Our Salesforce services help you streamline your business processes using a common network, hardware and software platform within your organization.

From Salesforce Chatter, Sales Cloud, to Service Cloud applications, we provide a variety of SaaS based offerings for Salesforce. We also provide Salesforce CRM services to clients that help them achieve their business goals like increasing leads, enquiries, improving sales pipeline, and aligning cost estimations. It also helps them in utilizing Salesforce as a solution to engage with their customers and stay ahead in negotiating and closing deals.

Whether it is to analyze customers’ preferences and behavior, or to comprehend scattered information, or to understand efficacy of marketing efforts, our experts help in implementing Salesforce solutions to resolve all your business problems. We offer complete suite of customized solutions, consulting and Salesforce services.


In today's business world, it's more important than ever to have a strong salesforce. A company's salesforce is its lifeblood - it's the group responsible for generating revenue and keeping the lights on.

Without a strong salesforce, a company will quickly wither and die. That's why it's so important for businesses to integrate their salesforce with their other business systems.

A salesforce that isn't integrated with the rest of the business is like an island - it can only do so much on its own. But when it's integrated with other systems, it can help the entire business run more smoothly and efficiently.

Our Expertise

Salesforce Wave Analytics Solutions
(Business Intelligence)

Our Salesforce experts have developed strong understanding and capabilities to help you utilize the Salesforce’ BI platform for providing an easy and intuitive access to business insights. Without requiring any business analysts, our custom solutions will enable you to make the most of Salesforce Wave Analytics. You will be able to smartly visualize and optimize data for access any time on any device.

Salesforce Scripting

Whether it requires scripting in Java, Ruby frameworks or using prebuilt code templates, or if it needs building scripts using Visual Workflow or writing business logic codes, our Salesforce developers have adequate and robust proficiency in object-oriented programming which is indispensable for effective Salesforce Scripting.

Salesforce Content Management System (CMS)

Our Salesforce CMS solutions are customized to meet specific content management needs of your business. We help you in creating content, defining workplaces, communities and managing content access for sharing with appropriate users. Salesforce CMS offers great aid in organizing content under specific ‘Collections’ and ‘Topics’ for sharing with various communities as per relevance.

Salesforce Cloud Solution

Both for B2B and B2C perspectives; we help you use Salesforce Cloud platform for managing relationships and collaboration with your end consumers and trade partners. Our Salesforce Cloud expertise is vast and includes solutions for Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Commerce Cloud, Community Cloud and Sales Cloud to manage leads & opportunities and enhance sales.

Salesforce Reporting

In addition to a variety of Standard reports that Salesforce provides for different purpose; we analyze your business workflow and processes to help you identify critical object fields for creating custom reports on key performance indicators. Using Visual Force, our Salesforce experts help you design smart dashboards with charts, tables and other graphical components.

Our Expertise

Our Offerings

Salesforce Implementation

From initial strategy and design to complete configuration, development, deployment and customization; our Salesforce experts provide comprehensive roadmap for implementation and change-management plans.

  • Salesforce
  • Salesforce Customization and configuration
    & configuration
  • Salesforce
  • Data Migration from old CRM
    Data Migration
    from old CRM
  • End-User training
    & Change Management
  • Launch
  • Post-launch
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Salesforce Customization

We believe every organization has its unique business processes and hence customization of Salesforce is often required to meet specific needs while keeping the ongoing functionality intact. Our expert and experienced Salesforce team is fully equipped to customize workflows and data management with Salesforce to help you address your specific business requirements.

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Salesforce App Development

We help you personalize Salesforce application by developing and incorporating your custom features required to improve and transform your sales, marketing and customer service processes. With agile development approach, our team ensures that you not only fulfill your current requirements but also make the most optimum utilization of Salesforce Platform to adapt for future needs too.

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Salesforce Integration

By integrating systems and other SaaS applications with Salesforce solution, we ensure seamless user experience across your IT ecosystem. The integration certainly provides the stakeholders with a comprehensive 360 degree view of business, and also enhances accuracy, and seamless flow of data between departments and users. We are fully equipped to execute various third party system integrations to add more efficiency and productivity to your Salesforce solution.

ERP integration Accounting integration Marketing automation integration Social Media integration CTI integration Ecommerce integration Collaboration system integration Personal planner and email integration ITSM integration
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Salesforce Consulting

Our team of Salesforce experts provides value added consultation on Sales Automation, Customer Service Automation, Marketing Automation, Community Management, usage of AI Capabilities to enhance your sales & customer service, and address your ever-evolving marketing needs.

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Salesforce Support

Decipher offers complete range of support services for development, deployment and administration of Salesforce solution.

Ongoing Management

You can avail complete support including daily routine administration services like User administration, data administration, etc. on a regular basis.

Performance Check & Monitoring

Includes assessing system’s performance through constant check-ups and remedial measures to be taken if any issues are found.

Trouble Shooting / Bug fixing

To overcome any interruptions in Salesforce –supported processes, our team can eliminate errors in code, fix operational issues, and fine-tune configuration related issues within least possible time to resume the business process asap.

Security Check & Monitoring

Proactive monitoring of Salesforce solution to identify security related issues, threats & risks; Prompt action for protection and system restoration.

User Management

Includes managing profiles and permission, setting up role hierarchy, system configurations, reports and Dashboards for users.

User Training

End User and Administrator training on features and functionalities to help them make the best use of the implemented Salesforce solution.

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Salesforce Data Migration

Using structured and proven techniques, our experts define and configure data management processes to ensure efficient data migration for your Salesforce solution. Our team interacts with key users and stakeholders of your organization before configuring and implementing migration, to make sure that the data remains safe, sound and consistent while uniformity is maintained across all the used norms and nomenclature. In addition to Data Migration, we also offer Data Massaging (Clean-up), and Data Mining services.

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Our Offerings

From initial strategy and design to complete configuration, development, deployment and customization; our Salesforce experts provide comprehensive roadmap for implementation and change-management plans.

  • Salesforce
  • Customization
    & configuration
  • Salesforce
  • Data Migration
    from old CRM
  • End-User training
    & Change Management
  • Launch
  • Post-launch

We believe every organization has its unique business processes and hence customization of Salesforce is often required to meet specific needs while keeping the ongoing functionality intact. Our expert and experienced Salesforce team is fully equipped to customize workflows and data management with Salesforce to help you address your specific business requirements.

We help you personalize Salesforce application by developing and incorporating your custom features required to improve and transform your sales, marketing and customer service processes. With agile development approach, our team ensures that you not only fulfill your current requirements but also make the most optimum utilization of Salesforce Platform to adapt for future needs too.

By integrating systems and other SaaS applications with Salesforce solution, we ensure seamless user experience across your IT ecosystem. The integration certainly provides the stakeholders with a comprehensive 360 degree view of business, and also enhances accuracy, and seamless flow of data between departments and users. We are fully equipped to execute various third party system integrations to add more efficiency and productivity to your Salesforce solution.

ERP integration Accounting integration Marketing automation integration Social Media integration CTI integration Ecommerce integration Collaboration system integration Personal planner and email integration ITSM integration

Our team of Salesforce experts provides value added consultation on Sales Automation, Customer Service Automation, Marketing Automation, Community Management, usage of AI Capabilities to enhance your sales & customer service, and address your ever-evolving marketing needs.

Decipher offers complete range of support services for development, deployment and administration of Salesforce solution.

Ongoing Management

You can avail complete support including daily routine administration services like User administration, data administration, etc. on a regular basis.

Performance Check & Monitoring

Includes assessing system’s performance through constant check-ups and remedial measures to be taken if any issues are found.

Trouble Shooting / Bug fixing

To overcome any interruptions in Salesforce –supported processes, our team can eliminate errors in code, fix operational issues, and fine-tune configuration related issues within least possible time to resume the business process asap.

Security Check & Monitoring

Proactive monitoring of Salesforce solution to identify security related issues, threats & risks; Prompt action for protection and system restoration.

User Management

Includes managing profiles and permission, setting up role hierarchy, system configurations, reports and Dashboards for users.

User Training

End User and Administrator training on features and functionalities to help them make the best use of the implemented Salesforce solution.

Using structured and proven techniques, our experts define and configure data management processes to ensure efficient data migration for your Salesforce solution. Our team interacts with key users and stakeholders of your organization before configuring and implementing migration, to make sure that the data remains safe, sound and consistent while uniformity is maintained across all the used norms and nomenclature. In addition to Data Migration, we also offer Data Massaging (Clean-up), and Data Mining services.

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  • Flexibility
  • Easy to manage
  • Build business on the secure, and scalable platform
  • Ease to customize and upgrade without anything hassle.
  • Boost productivity
  • Ease of Use
  • Aggregation of Data

Other related offerings

Get Advanced Solutions for Your Industry

Where Passion and Technology Meet

  • IT/Telecom
  • Travel
  • Hospitality
  • Media
  • Manufacturing
  • Automotive
  • Education
  • Health Care
    Health Care
  • Logistics/Transportation
  • Real Estate
    Real Estate
  • Consumer/Retail
  • BFSI

Tools & Technologies

Robotic Processes Driven by AI
Robotic Processes Driven by AI

Our Salesforce integration services can help you automate your sales processes using robotic processes driven by AI. With our artificial intelligence-powered automation, you can quickly and easily take actions based on incoming sales data.

Advanced Industry
Advanced Industry

Specific CRM Solutions- Industry-specific CRM solutions allow companies to focus on their core business without sacrificing efficiency. Our Salesforce Integration services provide a comprehensive solution that integrates with your existing sales processes and systems.


We can help you customize and integrate Salesforce with your business systems, so that you can manage your sales processes more effectively. We can help you set up a custom Salesforce user interface, configure Apex triggers and flows, create custom objects and fields, and export data to other business systems.


Our team of experienced Salesforce professionals have years of experience integrating with and managing Salesforce. We can help you quickly and easily connect your Salesforce system to your existing business processes, providing a powerful tool for managing sales, customer service, and inventory.

Data and System Integration
Data and System Integration

We offer comprehensive Salesforce integration services that allow you to integrate your sales and customer data with your CRM system. Our experienced professionals can help you get your sales and customer data into Salesforce in a quick and painless process.

Salesforce Blockchain
Salesforce Blockchain

With our Salesforce Blockchain, you can keep track of important customer data—like addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses—in a secure, decentralized system. Salesforce Blockchain is powered by the blockchain technology, which is growing in popularity because of its security and transparency features.

Our Happy Clients

"The team at Decipher has transformed the way we do business by helping our infrastructure work smarter along with Salesforce services. In short, great people, top-notch quality, highly recommended."

Marc Malone

Our Happy Clients

"We had a great experience with Decipher and would recommend their services to others. The way Decipher have helped us in managing an effective CRM platform through Salesforce services, we have gained a level of trust on them and they have become our value-added partner."

Roman Chambers


1. What are the basics of Salesforce?

Salesforce is one of the most popular CRM (customer relationship management) software products in the world. It allows businesses to manage customer data, accounts, and contracts more effectively. Salesforce is also known for its scalability, which enables businesses of all sizes to use it.

It offers a variety of different technologies that are used in Salesforce integration services. These technologies include: Salesforce CRM, Sales Cloud, and The Salesforce CRM software is the backbone of the Salesforce integration services. It provides users with the ability to manage customer relationships and sales processes.

The benefits of using Salesforce for your business can be difficult to quantify, but include increased efficiency and communication, better customer relationships, and a more cohesive team. Salesforce is an extremely versatile platform that can improve your business in a variety of ways.

Decipher can help you integrate Salesforce into your business to improve your sales processes and boost productivity. We offer a variety of Salesforce integration services that make it easy for you to connect with customers, manage leads, and track sales progress. Our experts can help you design the perfect Salesforce implementation for your business needs.

One of the most important features of Salesforce is its ability to automate business processes. This can save time and effort for staffers involved in customer interactions. One example of how Salesforce can help save time is with email marketing. With Salesforce, businesses can create custom email campaigns, track engagement rates, and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns by looking at subscriber data.

Salesforce is often seen as a costly and time-consuming resource for small businesses. But our Salesforce Integration services can help you get the most out of this powerful platform. We can design and implement an effective Salesforce solution that meets your specific needs and requirements.

Why Choose Decipher ?


Our highly experienced team with vast technological expertise is fully equipped to deliver perfect solutions for all your requirements.


Our dedicated and professionally skilled team works relentlessly to ensure error-free and timely delivery of solutions to our clients.


With the best talent on-board and following best practices, we are fully committed to provide technically superior and the most efficient solutions to our clients.


We keep our engagement clear and transparent; our teams work hand-in-hand with clients ensuring exceptional servicing & long-term relationships.


With the Client-First approach; all our efforts are aimed towards creating winning solutions for our clients, even if that calls for going the extra mile.


For us Client satisfaction is supreme; we take full ownership and responsibility to offer you more value for your money and keep you ahead of your competition.

Why Choose Decipher ?
