In today’s market scenario where competitive advantages and market shares are at stake, scalability is the driver for progress in high-tech companies. What drives the need for innovation at scale is ever-increasing demand and emerging technologies.

Impacting all the crucial areas of business and transforming the digital world by becoming the new internet to bring a positive change that improves the way how world functions is what makes Blockchain undeniably an ingenious invention. It is posing to be the future internet, however, the difference is that the internet operates in a centralized mode, and decentralization is the base for blockchain.

Understanding Blockchain and its features

A distributed database which is also known as a ledger is shared to multiple computing networks after the transactions are added as blocks and are verified. Every single block on the chain is a piece of information or data that is mathematically encrypted. Once a record has been added to the chain then, it is not easy to change, hence making the information unalterable and unchangeable.

Features of Blockchain

Blockchain technology helps to overcome the challenges that organizations face while transferring data or transacting which ultimately gives a strategic change in technology, along with focusing on increasing transparency, efficiency, and advancing sustainability.

Maintaining Digital Identities

With so many digital identities available on the internet, it is not easy to remember everything. Blockchain technology creates a system where everything is user-centric and maintains detailed information.


The whole system is decentralized in the blockchain. Thus, making it secure and there will be least chances of losing any data.


Making the whole process transparent is the best part about blockchain where it allows you to see, trace, and track everything. The internet became popular as it simplified the process, similarly, the blockchain aims to improvise the internet making the process seamless to every aspect of the business.

Safe Transactions

Another main feature that makes it a popular concept is security that it offers. It gives a platform where a user can ensure a safe and secure transaction. Being a new method of storing data in a distributed ledger, it permits various stakeholders to share and access the same information securely.

What Blockchain does and how is it beneficial to industries?

Blockchain not only allows fast, secure, and transparent financial transactions but virtually everything of value. It has filled the gaps where an efficient, reliable, and secure method for the transaction is needed. Clients are thus catered with an everlasting view of the blockchain-based technology along with its potential business significance to help create innovative strategies for effective use-cases, investment, and implementation.

Advertising and Marketing

Advertisers lose millions of dollars to fraudulent activity which is costing massive sums to various companies as they attempt to expand their markets in the digital age. With the help of blockchain technology, advertising executives can adopt for better protection and ensure their marketing ROI doesn’t suffer.

IT and Cyber Security

Data security is a major concern because millions of people’s data were compromised through cyber crime. Organizations are now taking effective precautions against cyber attacks to protect data. Blockchain is capable of recording digital transactions and interactions in a secure way, along with offering transparency and protection to form a solid foundation to IT companies.

Finance and Banking

Blockchain secures the process that provides permanent records of the transactions that are made in the banking industry each day. This ledger system significantly minimizes the risk by providing safe records and money that could be transferred in a cheaper and faster way.


Blockchain technology stores all the medical records safely and can be transferred and accessed securely anytime to the doctors and people who are authorized. Today, unlike paper records which aren’t safe, the digital health records and data can be created and stored safely online.

Legal Industry

Using Blockchain technology is beneficial in the legal industry as it can store and verify documents and data securely. The technology also helps to eliminate lengthy court battles that argue over digital inheritance.


Blockchain provides a safe way to record and transfer data and also helps to transform education system. The online or distance learning requires an independent way of verifying student’s transcripts and educational records.

How Blockchain is transforming business performance

Faster Transaction

Unlike typical banking procedures which are time-consuming, the blockchain transactions are distributed across the network in minutes and can process at any time.

Cost saving

One of the most visible benefits of using blockchain is that it helps in reducing overhead costs by upgrading your tools to the latest technology. Also, your business gets a better understanding of the market when reacting proactively to customer needs and trends.


Sellers and buyers use anonymous & unique address numbers to process the transaction. The Blockchain is well technically instrumented to protect people’s privacy as the technology is increasing and moving into the digital future.

Blockchain Consulting Services

Decipher offers security and software development consulting services for blockchain companies. Our team has a clear understanding of the strategies used behind this technology like blockchain development and trading spaces with a wide range of security and development consulting services, testing services to business model analysis and software development. We are rebelliously creating new business models and paving the way for new applications.

Decipher works with your company to guide integration of blockchains into your business.
Analysis of financial models, blockchain models & business models
Advice on the blockchain software trading
Blockchain security and trading software development
Customized blockchain development
Whitepaper drafting and Whitepaper editing

Our Blockchain Consulting Process

1We review the organization’s current business model & technical framework

2We provide feedback & a report on the type of Blockchain solution that could be incorporated into the business

3We design the framework for a product implementation & return a written report with a full design specification with an estimated time and cost-estimation.

Our Blockchain Development Process

1We deliver the product to market over a mapped timeline in concert with the design framework.

2Our development team provides an extensive communication during the entire process.

3We can also manage the long-term infrastructure and scaling the productivity.

Why Choose Decipher ?


Our highly experienced team with vast technological expertise is fully equipped to deliver perfect solutions for all your requirements.


Our dedicated and professionally skilled team works relentlessly to ensure error-free and timely delivery of solutions to our clients.


With the best talent on-board and following best practices, we are fully committed to provide technically superior and the most efficient solutions to our clients.


We keep our engagement clear and transparent; our teams work hand-in-hand with clients ensuring exceptional servicing & long-term relationships.


With the Client-First approach; all our efforts are aimed towards creating winning solutions for our clients, even if that calls for going the extra mile.


For us Client satisfaction is supreme; we take full ownership and responsibility to offer you more value for your money and keep you ahead of your competition.

Why Choose Decipher ?

Our Happy Clients

"Great work and customer focused services. We are amazed by the performance of iPhone and Android application that Decipher has provided. They take care of the finest little details and delivered high-quality, business-oriented application for our business."

Dam Martin

"Decipher was extremely professional, responsive and flexible to all our project needs. They are indeed one of the best mobile application development teams we have worked with."

Harvey Paker